Ron x Harry ~ A Potion Filled Push

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A/N: Potions that act as an drug of sorts, god I forget the name specifically + a writer who likes smut = smut. Update, the drug in question is aphrodisiac. Yup. So... uhh

So yeah, warning, smut ahead because I can.


Harry glanced at the book, the pages worn and beaten, the notes plastered about each page with little edits. Though, he noticed that some other types of potions that they didn't learn about were written in it too. Tests.

They seemed to be a sort of love potion, but not quite in the same way. It brought out feelings that existed, and made them sexual. Through the various pages, it seemed that whoever the book belonged too, was desperate to get someone. The many different attempts only proof to their failure.

Harry didn't know why, but the potion intrigued him. It wasn't particularly complicated, just objects he could easily find around the school. He thumbed at a final page, with the words bolded on the page, rushed, but it seemed final.

This was the potion, the perfected potion.

Harry closed the book when Ron, Dean, and Seamus walked in, talking about something. They seemed to be discussing Ron's break up with Lavender, and hardly noticed Harry when they walked in.

"Welcome back, long walk?" Harry hummed softly, leaning back against his headboard, the pillows cushioning him.

The three looked over at Harry, who was simply lounging around in his boxers and a large shirt, showing that he was a bit exhausted.

"Yeah," Ron nodded, "long walk."

"What have you been doing while we were gone?" Dean asked, the three eyeing him warily.

"Reading. Of sorts? I've honestly been lounging here since Ron left," Harry yawned, slumping slightly.

The three raised a brow at him, but pushed suspicion to the side, "what are you doing tomorrow?" Ron asked.

"Nothing yet."

"Figures," Dean teased.

Harry's brows furrowed together, "What are you guys doing tomorrow?"

"Seamus and I are going on a date." Dean explained.

"That's expected."

"I'm going to be practicing. You know, I'm new to the team after all," Ron admitted.

"You did pretty well in our games so far, so don't overwork yourself," Harry smiled.

Ron smiled, "Alright, Alright."

Without much trouble, everyone begrudgingly finished their homework and went to bed, the potion plaguing the back of Harry's mind.

The next morning, harry decided he'd make the potion. He didn't know what compelled him to do so, but he just had to. So he collected the ingredients from around the school, getting every last thing, then came the final two ingredients.

The hair of the person under the potion

The tear of the potion maker

Harry stared at the ingredients, then Sat in the ROR, where he decided to brew his potion, and stared at the cauldron. Who was he going to give the potion to? Which of his friends would even be willing to test it? No, who in their right mind would be willing to test it?

Harry let out a heavy sigh and though, his brain muddled.

Then a clear imagine came to mind.

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