Draco x Harry ~ Be More Chill (Au)

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A/N: I will not use all the songs from Be More Chill, mostly since I'm not using the same storyline. Just using songs to fit a storyline I'm creating. Obviously.

I'm also going to use parts of songs since the entirety of some songs doesn't quite fit my narrative.

And changes will be made to the songs since Draco and Christine don't have the same ring, but dreams fits well.

If you don't know be more chill, I'd highly recommend listening to the soundtrack. It's awesome. Pitiful children is my favorite song.

Buckley up, this will be a long one. It took me over 1000 words to get through one song.


Harry sighed, hitting his head against the desk in his room. He so didn't want to leave the house today.

Why did he think it was even remotely good idea to sign up for the school play?

"Harry, sweetie, you're going to be late for rehearsals!" His mother called from downstairs.

To which he groaned, and got up from his desk, taking a look at himself in the mirror.

"Oh my god I look like a discount Daniel Radcliffe. At least I'm taller than him." Harry then shoved his messy hair into a beanie and threw on his jacket, grabbing his keys and wallet before hiking it downstairs.

His father was sipping coffee and his mom was humming as she made muffins. Disgustingly domestic.

"Have fun sweetie!" His mother hummed.

"I will, love you guys." He left the house and hopped into his car. It didn't take long until he saw the school building from his nightmares.

No one really looked at him when he entered. He was somewhat popular among the school, during school. After school, no one really cared about him.

"I don't wanna be a hero. Just wanna stay in the line. I'll never be your Rob DeNiro. For me Joe Pesci is fine. So I follow my own rules and I use them as my tools to stay alive. I don't wanna be special, no, no. I just wanna survive"

"C-c-c c'mon c-c-c c'mon," the halls groaned as people pushed through to get past him. "Go, go! C-c-c c'mon c-c-c c'mon! Go, go."

"So Blaise Zabini said Pansy told Neville, 'I'll only have sex with you if you beat me at pool.'
And then she lost at pool- Deliberately!" Ginny sighed, annoyed.

"That is so awesome!"


"I mean slutty!"

"And then Pansy was all like..."

I'm telling the story, Blaise! Oh my God, he's like totally getting off on that! Ugh!"

Harry just rolled his eyes at the mindless gossip before bumping into, Seamus, a boy who was surprising popular inside and outside of school."

"Yo, don't touch me, tall ass!" He growled.

"Sorry, I was just trying to get to.."

Seamus didn't care as he spotted Neville.

"Neville! So what's the story with Madeline?"

"Oh man, I shouldn't say, but it's a good thing I rock at pool!"

Harry internally groaned at the stupidity of high school as people made their way to their clubs and sports. "I navigate the dangerous hall. Focus on a poster there on the wall. Avoiding any eye contact at all and trying hard to remain unseen."

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