Harry Potter ~ Angry At The Past

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A/N: it's been awhile since I updated these.

I've graduated, started college, even got a job.

It's been quite a time. I got this idea at work, so, fun.

I start bullshitting about 300 words in, but it's fun.

Harry is chill for the first half, than just starts ranting. Because, what a mood.

It's also pretty ranty towards Dumbledore. He's a good character but... he has issues.


It's always in the great hall, isn't it?

Whenever something decided to break out of the ordinary, it's always there.

Everyone was minding their own business, the sorting ceremony us just closed and everyone was eating when a flash appeared and a man popped out, a bit disheveled, but mostly fine.

He gathered himself up and surveyed the room, eyebrows furrowed together.

Then his eyes snagged on James. James Potter and his friends, Peter, Remus and Sirius.

"Oh come on!" He groaned. He sighed to himself and put away his wand which was held in a tightly clenched hand.

"Who are you?" Dumbledore asked curiously, eyes twinkling in a gleaming curiosity.

The man looked him dead in the eye, "Harry fucking Potter."


The man, Harry, had almost curly black hair, a messy mop on his head, with emerald eyes that shined with a sense of prode and defiance. His skin was tan, and a pale scar zagged across his forehead, covered by his bangs. Round glasses sat perched on his face and a smug smirk sat on his lips.

"I'm from the future. If this is where I believe I am," he clarified, rolling up the sleeves of his jumper a bit.

"Where are you then?" Dumbledore asked fondly.

"Well, judging by the fact my old man is here, I'd say we're about 1977 which should be sixth or seventh year for my dad."

"Your father?" Professor McGonagall questioned, her face confused.

"Well, my name is Harry Potter, wouldn't it be a safe bet to say James Potter is my dad? Which he is by the way. I'm just saying."


James got up suddenly, shocked.

But as people glanced between them, there was no mistaking it. They were almost identical. The only thing that really differed was their eyes. James he brown eyes, not green.

"I have a son?"

"Not yet technically. In a few years? yeah," Harry admitted with a shrug. "Sorry to burst I'm by the way, I was trying potions and normally get the ingredients looked at by my husband. He's still at work so, here I am."

"What were you trying to do?" Professor Slughorn questioned.

Harry hummed enthusiastically. "We're working on a case and were trying to use potions to bring us back to the time of the even to see if we can prevent it. Of course, this was seen as a bad idea and this we changed to be able to view it without interfering. I'm guessing I put in some DNA of my own instead of the victims which brought me back, but I wasn't alive yet, so I'm unsure how I got here."

"Do you think you make have any DNA of someone currently here?"

Harry thought for a moment, then his head snapped up, "oh, I know. Blood is required for the spell. My mother died protecting me, so my very blood is protected by her love. So that could be it!"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2020 ⏰

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