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The smallest thing can have an enormous impact on a person.

I was caught up in my thoughts and remembered something that seemed so small back then.

I am a very anxious person. I don't like talking about it but my anxiety has always been a part of my life. It makes me over think, it makes me upset without reason, it makes me restless and puts me on edge, it makes meeting new people extremely difficult, it makes simple things a bit more difficult.

Years ago, I had this friend. We weren't the type of friends that spoke everyday or anything like that but we knew that if we ever needed anything we could come to each other. She was the first one I ever told about my anxiety, I didn't open up or bear my soul. It wasn't anything dramatic, I told her that "sometimes I get this feeling and I don't know what to do and it won't go away" (this was before I fully acknowledged the fact that I suffer from anxiety )

She told me that she feels like that too sometimes and told me how she dealt with it. It may seem small but the fact that she didn't blow off my feelings and was empathetic meant so much to my younger self but I am only realizing how much it actually meant.

Now, (several years later) Her and I don't talk anymore, we've grown apart and become totally different people but I'll never forget what she did that day.

Little gestures like that resonate

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