My Bestfriend

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I wish I remembered the day you saved me

Forgot about all the uncertainty and held me.

Did all you could, and fought for me

Gave me a life full of possibility.

In the beginning I didn't understand

Why you were so coarse,

Why you were so persistent,

Why you cared as much as you did.

We didn't share anything but a name, a name which you gifted me,

And I am grateful for that everyday.

You threw caution to the wind and accepted me into your life.

You did it alone, without a man to your wife.

You redefined family, and accepted me into yours.

I was dirty and worthless, but you picked me up and gave me purpose.

You dusted me off and told me to be someone,

For years I struggled to find that someone.

I remember when I thought you hated me, I didn't know why there was a toughness to your love and I hated it.

Ungrateful me, didn't realize your tough love was prepping me,

For what? I didn't know till I was 16

You loved me, every part of me

With everything in your being, and when I robbed you of your energy,

You found a way to give more to me.

Without you, there would be no me.

As you grow older, you continue to inspire me.

One day there will be no more of you and only me,

When that day comes, I can only hope that you'll still be proud of me.

I live for you because you lived for me.

You did everything you could,

You tried so hard,

So that I can see the light in me.

That light will never dim,

For on your darkest days you let me in, you let my light guide you to the best of my ability.

Which was bold because I've always been clumsy.

You gave me:
A family,
A home,
And Your heart

All things that mute, little, malnourished girl never thought she would receive.

As much as I am a gift to you, you are a gift to me.

The love in my heart for you is endless, timeless, colorful and limitless.

I love you Mom to the moon and back like you always loved me



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