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I swear there's nothing more disrespectful (to me) than disregarding/wasting my time. Don't make plans with me and ditch them without even letting me know, like you honestly don't respect me enough to at least tell me you can't make it? WTF!?
and do not, DO NOT, show up in my face hours fucking later asking me to give you more of my time. You ask me to hang out but go MIA and just expect me to be waiting for you when you get back?!?! Nah homie I don't play that shit

I hate making plans with people because 9 times out of 10 no one follows through, and the time I spent waiting for other people could have been used to do something waaaay more useful, not only that but the energy I put into the plans is also wasted. I don't make plans because I get my hopes up and inevitably the person I made plans with doesn't follow through and again I end up disappointed.

That shit makes me so pissed omg

*end rant*

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