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There are so many ways to say I love you

I tell you everyday without you noticing

Love is simultaneously the hardest and easiest emotion to convey

Sometimes words don't come out

Sometimes the love we feel is indescribable

But sometimes love is exuded off of us in a way we can't control

Love or lack of love is the driving force behind so many decisions

Love is so powerful that even the cold hearted are warmed by it

Love is a force to be reckoned with

There are no rules or regulations centred around it

Love is scary and unrequited love can be extremely painful


Even broken hearts learn to love again

Love is irresistible

I wholeheartedly believe that we fall in love multiple times throughout our lives

No one can tell you how to love, there's no right or wrong way

Love is so many things at once

But most importantly:

Love is Love.

Love is a feeling that anyone and everyone has the right to feel.

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