Cigarette Smoke

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"You're rude, you know that?" I insult with a glare at the boy I still can't deny I can't stop thinking about.

"I'm honest. Isn't that the best policy?" He quotes with curious eyes and that same 'don't really care' attitude he showed at the park. "Not if it hurts." I mutter quietly, mostly to myself.

He lets out a short sigh, "Listen Brit, I'll tell you what- you think I'm a mystery, right?" He guesses, to which I shrug lazily as an answer.

"I suppose, yeah."

"And I'm guessing you want to learn all about me, hm?" Finn assumes with raised eyebrows.

"Uh, I-" I stutter out, not expecting such a question from him especially.

Not even giving me the chance to get out a full word, he continues.

"I'll do you a favor then, I'll give you the chance to try to learn whatever the hell you want about me. But you only have two weeks to do so; then you and I are never speaking another word to each other."

"What, why?" I quickly ask, the last part seeming to be of the only real importance to me as of now.

"Just like you said, Brit, you won't kiss me if I smoke." Finn reminds me, pressing his lips together as he abruptly stands to his feet, grabs his coat, and throws it on as he walks out of the large school library.

Stunned by his words, I nearly miss the ripped piece of paper left where he sat at the table.

Hurriedly, I snatch the paper and unfold it, reading the badly written note left just for me. '2 weeks start now. Pick you up after school; black dodge challenger.'

The sound of footsteps drawing near forces me to stash the note in my pocket, luckily before whoever's coming can see it.

"Millie, what the hell? Who was that?" Noah questions, betrayal in his eyes as he stares down at me as if I had just cheated on him or something.

"Chill out Noah, it's not like you and I are dating or anything. He's just.. a friend of mine." I answer calmly as his face only becomes more confused.

"When did you start being friends with anyone except Maddie and I? You never even talk to teachers, not to mention- other people." Noah insists, knowing me way too well for my liking right now.

"Not true! I have other friends." He stares at me with a raised eyebrow, obviously not buying it, "Like who?"

I glance around nervously, "Uh.. like- like Jack Grazer! O-or Lilia Buckingham!" I say, naming a few people I've been forced to be partners with in other classes.

Lilia was actually really cool. If she wasn't in Jack's little 'clique', maybe she and I would be good friends. Though again, that's a big 'maybe'.

"Millie, you hate Jack Grazer with all of your guts and think he's the most disgusting human to ever live, all because he does basically any smoking drug imaginable." Noah protests while his face stays emotionless, sadly being one-hundred percent right.

"Okay so maybe I don't  talk to a lot of people besides you two, but that doesn't mean I don't want to start." I admit optimistically with a positive, soft smile towards the boy.

His unamused expression quickly gets painted over with a smile as he laughs.

"How'd you even meet that guy anyway?" He asks curiously while glancing over his shoulder at one of the many clocks in the library, reading the time before meeting his gaze with mine.

I shrug, "I sat next to him at the park." I answer though he only seems to think I'm bullshitting him by the way his lips curve into a side grin.

"I don't believe that. C'mon Millie, you know I only want to know because I care." He states pleadingly as I only roll my eyes.

Cigarette Smoke // FILLIEWhere stories live. Discover now