Phone Call

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       "Call him? You want me.. to call him?" I repeat in disbelief while staring at the girl, my eyebrows stitched together in utter confusion.

Maddie nods, her blue eyes sparkling as she smiles in approval.

"Yep, if you can't handle face to face right now- talking is the next best thing." She explains through a smile.

"Alright, so how exactly am I supposed to call a number I don't even have?" I question as a smirk grows on her lips.

Oh no.

Smirking proudly, Maddie hands me a folded piece of notebook paper with a number written messily along one of the blue lines.

Quickly I look up at her from the edge of my bed, "How did you-"

"I know a friend of his that owes me a certain favor, and this so happens to be part of the favor." She explains simply as she sits down beside me, still smirking.

"Well? What are you waiting for? Call him!" Maddie insists as she shakes my shoulder playfully.

Laughing softly I raise a hand before punching the number into the keypad of my iPhone 6s and hesitantly pressing the dial button.

Nervously I stand from the bed with the rose-gold phone to my ear as I pace up and down my bedroom's length at the foot of my bed.

With every low hum of the phone ringing my anxiety intensifies by ten. The fourth hum gets cut off by a low, calm voice.

"Hello?" The familiar voice answers, somehow seeming to be preoccupied as they speak.

I stare at Maddie, wide eyed.

What the hell do I say? I wasn't prepared! Why did I do this? Oh gosh. I regret my life decisions.

"Hello..? Is anyone gonna answer, or just sit there breathing." Finn asks, muttering the last part involuntarily.

Maddie mouths for me to talk as I semi-panic until finally obliging, "Uh- yeah, sorry."

"Millie?" His voice hitches dramatically as he says my name.

I prepare for the worst.

"Yes?" I answer hesitantly, noticing how different my accent makes me sound compared to him.

Guess it'd be obvious it's me then, huh?

"I wasn't expecting a call, especially from you. Nor do I know how you actually got my number- but, besides the point, I guess." Finn states calmly; easily I can envision him doing one of his famous, lifeless shrugs as he speaks.

"Yeah, um.. I just kinda wanted to talk." I admit as I begin slowly pacing once again.

"Talk, huh? What exactly do you wanna talk about?" Finn queries, the sound of papers ruffling in the background of his line.

I bite my lower lip as I stare up at the ceiling, debating my answer.

Once I go in I can't back out.

"Just what happened today. I don't think I'll be able to sleep without knowing some things." I confess with my free hand tracing through my hair.

"I'll answer what I can, Brit." He explains in assumption that I have questions ready. Like hell I do.

"Um.. right. So, I just want you to know that what happened at the park- I don't understand it but I'm working on letting it go for the time being, until further notice. I'm sorry if I was a bitch after but if I was the cause of.. I'm just sorry." I explain, trailing off at the end uncomfortably.

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