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"What do you want, Grazer?" Finn asks flatly, already over Jack's new presence.

The brown, curly headed boy chuckles to himself as he gazes over at Finn's black challenger; completely ignoring the last question directed his way.

"Damn, I got you better than I thought. Right down the middle," Jack comments, doing a lazy karate-chop on top of his opposing hand.

I shift my view to the tall teenager as his jaw clenches and eyes seem to burn into the side of Jack's egotistical face, yet despite that his features fail to reveal any ounce of annoyance towards the boy.

Incredible.. I could literally never.

Jack gazed back up to us as he shoves his hands into his jacket pockets lazily, seeming to be waiting for something as he stands there expectedly.

"Anyway, you two going to give me another show or will I have to make my own? Well, only with the help of Brownie here." He teases, almost threatening Finn as his lustful, eager eyes travel up and down my height.

I simply glare back at him in a disgusted grimace, pulling my crossed legs closer to myself out of instinct.

Finn's untouchable composure has obviously- in no way- rubbed off on me.

"What's with the silent treatment, Wolfhard? You scared your little 'un-phased' act is going to break in front of your prude princess?" He taunts from below as he shifts his eyes to me and fades his cocky expression into one more of deep thought.

He hums before snapping his fingers, pointing to me as he begins talking again.

"Y'know what, my mistake, she's more of a slutty, sloppy seconds. Am I right?" Jack queries, looking to Finn for agreement.

Though when I turn to see if he answers, the only thing to leave his mouth is cigarette smoke.

Seriously? Right now- when he's completely insulting me with a false accusation- you decide to just smoke? Smoke?!

"Are you ever actually going to say anything true or is everything that comes out of your shit-head of a mouth always bullshit?" Finn remarks calmly, almost as if he had somehow heard exactly what thoughts I had spoken within my mind.

Jack scoffs as he presses his hand to his chest and throws on an offended facade over his usual cocky grin.

"Don't you have anywhere better to be? Maybe with people who actually enjoy you're presence?" I add, my words harsher than my curious tone they're spoken in.

His smirk returns as he bites his lower lip, "Oh baby you'd enjoy my presence, you just gotta give me full access, first."

"That's enough, Jack. You had you're pathetic, perverted fun, now get lost." Finn orders sternly, his voice certain and clear as he stares lazily at the teenager below.

"Man, Finn, you can never let a man get any action around here. Whatever, guess that's just the life of a loner. Hey- let me know when your sex tape comes out, I want to be the first to get a copy." Jack remarks with a wink, smiling devilishly as he backs away from the 7-11 neon lights, and to his car that sits running with a freshly filled tank.

Within the next minute the cocky teen is driving away down the road, the only thing remaining of him including the faint echo of his dangerous grin and uncomfortable stare lingering in my mind.

Man, he gives me the creeps.

Finn's dark brown eyes drift to me when the sight of Jack's headlights finally fade into the darkness of the night, disappearing within seconds of them appearing.

Cigarette Smoke // FILLIEWhere stories live. Discover now