Keith's disappearance

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Keith ran down the halls of the Galra ship, attempting to escape his pursuers. He ran around a corner to hide, but was met by another group of Galra troops.

He looked around, seeing if there was any possible way of escaping, but each path was blocked.

" KEITH!! Answer me! What's going on?!" Shiro's voice echoed in his ear, but before Keith could reply, Lotor walked out of the group of Galra surrounding him.

" What are you going to do now paladin? There's nowhere to go," He hissed at Keith. Keith looked around one more time, checking his options. He swiftly pulled out his sword and flung it at Lotor but he dodged it and jumped at Keith. Keith blocked his first punch, but then the second one came in like a typhoon, slamming into his stomach. Keith let out a loud sigh and fell in Lotor's arm.

" Make the forces stronger, so when voltron attempts to rescue this paladin we'll be ready!" Ordered Lotor causing the Galra troops to scatter and spread the word. " And I shall bring you to the dungeon," Lotor whispered yo the uncpncious Keith.

" What do you mean you lost contact with Keith!" Yelled Allura.
" He's a part of voltron, and without him we're left defenseless!" She screamed at Shiro while he was scrambling with the communications, trying to see if he could get through to Keith.

" I know! Don't you think I'm worried too!? We need to think fast and make the safest choice in this situation, but they know we'll come for him so how will we be able to save him!" Shiro yelled at everyone in the room.

" Maybe he isn't captured, and just playing dumb," Lance suggested, but his voice started to shake halfway through.

" We need to sneak onto their ship, but Pidges lion is the only one with camouflage," said Hunk, trying to think through all the possibilities.

" Who would come in with me to get him back," Pidge urged looking around the room.

" I will," everyone looked at Lance surprised, " I want to see his pathetic face when I swoop in and save him." Now everyone understood.

" We should get moving quickly," Shiro said as he looked back at the screen seeing where the tracking device Keith had was going.

Keith woke up, but when he attempted to move he soon realized his hands had been chained to the top of the room, which was the reason why his legs where dangling above the ground. He tried to struggle, but with the sound of the chains hitting each other sent vibrations down through the chains into his arms causing then to tingle in pain.

"Goddammit!" Keith exclaimed.

The doors slid open, showing the face of Lotor with a smug smile on as he entered. He walked in and sat on a chair, while he stared at Keith.

" I've come to hopefully get some of my questions answered, I hope you'll cooperate, then it won't be so painful," Lotor said, have his face become brighter. " Then again if you want to do this the hard way, I don't mind that either, I actually prefer it that way," Lotor pulled out a device from his pocket and played with it in his hands.

" Hah! You think a little threat like that will scare me away? Try me, I won't say anything," Keith challenged.

" You don't know how much those words mean to me, they make my day," Lotor said as he stood up and walked up to Keith.

Lotor was much taller than Keith, so Keith had to look almost straight up to look into Lotor's devilish eyes. Keith did a slight shiver when Lotor ran his hand across Keith's chest.

" So, where are your little friends hiding?" Lotor said in almost a demanding voice.

" Fuck off," Keith said with a smile that continued afterwards.

" You brought this upon yourself, I gave you a choice, which isn't what most people get," Lotor said as he slid the thing that was in his hand across Keith's neck.

Keith tried to look down to see what it was, but if it was a knife and he looked down it could kill him so he stopped before his neck was right against it.

" You going to kill me?" Keith said, hoping he popped Lotor's bubble.

" Oh, no, I'm going to make your life much worse, I hope you think carefully about your next words," lotor said as he pulled the contraption away from Keith's neck so he could see it clearly. Keith looked in horror, as his face became whiter. He looked up at Lotor, pained, confused and scared, more than anything he was scared.

" We need more cover if we want to go in undetected," Pidge said as he played with the lions controls, tweaking a few functions. " We should be alright if I switch the-"

" Ok sounds interesting, but I have one question. If we do get spotted, what's our plan B?" Lance asked, while he scratched the top of his head.

" Plan B? Go with the flow, I guess," Pidge replied with a shrug like it was nothing.

The lion landed on the Galra ship undetected. Lance flew out of the lions mouth and began cutting open a small hole. Once it had opened the was Sucker inside landing on the ground with a strong impact.

" What was that?" Lance heard a few soldiers say. He quickly hid and looked around the corner to see how many there were. Ten, he should just move on.

Lance ended up standing in front of a large door, that behind it was were Keith was.

" Pidge, is this right? It seems too easy," Lance spoke through the com.

" My trackers say he has to be behind that door, he would be nowhere else," said Pidge as she started to check Lance's surroundings to see if any gaurds where around. " You're clear for the time being, but it won't last long," said Pidge hurriedly.

Lance started cutting through the door, but once he was inside he was struck with fear. Keith's tracking device was placed in the middle of the room on a chair, blinking red.

" PIDGE!! It was a trap, we need to get out of here!"

Keith felt a leathery strap wrapped around his neck. He started to struggle, scared of what will happen next but only made blood trickle down his wrist and stain his black suit.

" You're only making it worse by stuggling, stop taking the fun out of my job," Lotor said as he grabbed Keith's wrists and squeezed them together. Lotor pointed the device at Keith and pressed the button.

Keith felt shivers of pain shoot through his body and attack every nerve in his body.

" AHHHHHH!!!" Keith screamed as he curled his hands into a fist, causing his fingernails to dig into his flesh. Lotor grabbed his hands and made his grip lessen so Keith wouldn't draw blood.

" How is it, do you enjoy it?" Lotor said as he came closer to Keith's face, causing him to flinch in pain. Lotor took his fingure off the button, making Keith gasp for air and choke on his own pain.

Lotor looked down at Keith, watching his every move.

" I hope you enjoyed that, it pleased me," He said, making sure Keith didn't have time to put his opinion in.

" You...ass," Keith said between gasps.

" I'm glad to know you still have your spunk, this will be a very painful night for you," Lotor said pleased as he pulled out a long leather whip. " I was researching other techniques of torture and it seems that this one is feared across the universe." Keith began to shake, but immediately stopped when the door opened and saw a Galra soldier walk in.

" Lord Lotor, the voltron paladins have taken the bait and are-" started the soldier, but Keith's knowledge was cut off when Lotor waved his hands at him to leave.

" Thank you, my father would like to hear the news, I'm busy," Lotor said proudly.

The pain from the collar was still running through me. I suddenly couldn't see clearly and my vision started turning dark.

Lotor walked up to Keith and placed his hand on his shoulder, then pulled his chin up so he could look at his face.

" Such a small worthless being, how can you be-" He was cut off when the ships alarm went off.

Lance ran down the halls and made it back to where he had cut the hole in the ship, but it wasn't there. Lance tried his com, but he was cut off.

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