Chapter 3 - Lance

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My escape route had disappeared? Or was I just in the wrong spot, but I saw the piece of metal I had sawed off earlier, only there was no hole above.

" Pidge? Pidge are you there?" I said into the com, but there was no answer. Was this entire ship set for as a trap? It couldn't have been because I saw Galra troops earlier.

I began to run down all the halls, but there was no sign of anyone, or anything. I made my way to the control room. When I entered, no one was there, but the ship had automatically started to go faster. There was a destination set on it. I couldn't read Galra, but I could guess that it was to the main ship, where Zarkon was, and most likely Keith.

My desicion was clear when Keith popped into my head, I would let this ship take me where it was going, and infiltrate Zarkons ship.

Pidge had most likely been shoved off by the pressure of the ship speeding this fast, but wouldn't she of been able to catch up? Hopefully she was trailing behind so I could have backup when we enter the Galra ship.

My com started buzzing,

" Pidge? Are you there," I said as I began tapping my earpiece rapidly.

" Lance! Are you alright," I could hear her screaming on the other end.

" Seems the tracker was a trap to lure us here, but this is an opportunity to save Keith," I told her, hoping she saw it the same way I did.

" I understand...I'll cloak myself when we arrive, and help you from outside the ship."

I smiled, happy we would finally get Keith back. Happy to get Keith back? What was I thinking?! Who would want him back!...I just want to see his pathetic face when I arrived to save his miserable self. That's all I could think of to get the idea of seeing Keith and knowing he was okay out of my head, it worked, only a little.

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