Chapter 8 - Keith

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My body was shaking, and my legs were unable to move from the position Lotor had left them in.

What was I going to do now? I had been disgraced in front of Lance. I wanted to cry, but that would make me look even worse, being violated and weak in front of him.

The room was silent, I couldn't even hear Lance's breathing. No snide remarks, no ' are you okay ' I was now disgusting in front of him.

I began to tremble, trying to keep my composure in the state I was already in was nearly impossible. I needed to move, but I felt scared to, and I didn't know if my body could handle it.

My wrists felt numb, but I knew they were probably bleeding because of the pressure of the chains against them.

I bit my lip, hoping it would wake me up a little, but all I could feel was the cool blood run down the bottom of my chin.

I continued to hesitate to move, but my body eventually slipped out of its tensed position and relaxed on the bed. My shirt was still pulled up, exposing me more than I wished, and my throat felt dry from the intense kissing Lotor had forced onto me.

My feelings began to gather, and take over my physical reaction to everything. The tears were swelling up, but I was forcing them back.

" Keith...I'm sorry," Lance's voice sounded uneasy and was trembling, but why should he be sorry? I should be apologizing. What did he expect me to say now?

" I'm...sorry," my voice was shaking, making the tears begin to fill my eyes again. The tears started to pour out, making the blindfold damp. I tried to muffle my voice so Lance wouldn't be able to tell that I was crying, but it was near to impossible.

I heard a loud shuffle to my side, it was Lance right? Lotor couldn't of been back yet, right?

A hand slid to the side of my face and I shuddered in fear. I tried to push away, but whoever it was was persistent. The hand slipped off my blindfold. My eyes were immediately stunned by the darkness, so I couldn't see who it was.

" What are you doing!? Let me go!" I yelled, but I wasn't in any state to fight back.

" Keith! Calm down, it's me," Lance's hands steadied my shoulders, causing my body o stop shaking. How'd he get out? Was it really him? It sure sounded like him, and his touch was warmer than I remember Lotor being.

Lance's hands trailer up to my wrists, where the chains were holding me at. He pressed them tighter against my wrists for few seconds, making me wince.

" It's ok, I'm here," Lance's voice resonated on the back of my neck, making me shiver. His large arms slipped under me, and hoisted me up. I felt Lance pull me closer to his chest, having his body warmth completely surround me.

My body was in so much pain, but if I could just get closer to him. I lifted my hand up, and gripped onto Lance's shirt. Pain tingled up my arm, but I didn't want to let go, not yet.

Lance's hand came to the back of my head and his fingers shifted through my hair. His hands were so soft and soothing, I felt like I could just fall asleep, and forget everything that has happened.

" Don't worry Keith, I'll get you out of here," Lance's voice rang in my ears, but my mind couldn't hold on much longer, and I drifted off.

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