Chapter 10-Keith

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Large arms surrounded me, making my body begin to tense up. Who? It wasn't Lance, where was Lance? I wanted to see Lance, but the only senses I had now was my ability to feel.

" Lance..." I whispered, hoping whoever had me was on my side. I felt the arms tighten around me, almost making me want to push away but I didn't have any strength to.

This warmth was almost suffocating, making me want to cough and jump from the unpleasant feeling. I felt my heat begin to rise, and my pain from my previous wounds started stinging and burning at my flesh.

I felt my body begin to tremble. What was going on? Was I cold?

I opened my eyes, seeing a familiar face looming above me. Shiro? Why was he here? When did he get here? Where was Lance?

I started to struggle, trying to get out of Shiro's hold, but he just grabbed me tighter.

" Keith calm down! We're bringing you back to our ship. You're safe now, but you need to stay still so you don't cause any more injuries to yourself," Shiro slid his hand onto the side of my face, but it just made me feel sicker.

"Where's Lance?" I asked as I began to pull on his shirt, trying to get him to reply faster. I needed to know where Lance was, now! I desperatally wanted him to be next to me so I knew he was alright.

I looked back up at Shiro, seeing he wasn't going to say anything. I wasn't just going to let him carry me without knowing it was actually him or not, or even leave without Lance.

I pushed all of my remaining strength against Shiro, causing him to stumble a little, letting me slip away from his grip and collapse to the ground.

I quickly looked up at Shiro, but he didn't look like he was an imposter, he looked like Shiro. But where was Lance?

" Keith, I know you've been through a lot, but let me get you out of here before the Galra find us!" Shiro yelled at me as he crouched down and held his hand out to me.

I looked up at him cautiously, making sure I wasn't missing anything. His hand looked tempting, but where was Lance? This didn't feel right, but maybe he was already back, but if he was then he shiro would've told me that rather than staying quiet.

I reached my hand out to his, but before we had contact, Lance came racing around the corner behind us.

"Keith don't!" Lance screamed, making his voice filter down the Galra hallways. I looked back up at Shiro, seeing his face began to twist into something unhuman. I scurried back quickly trying to get out of the monsters reach.

The large hand came flying towards me, giving me no time to react with my injured body.

Before I knew it Lance was standing in front of me, gripping
" Shiro's" hands with a force I didn't know he hand. A loud crunch echoed, going through my ears and processing in my mind what had just happened. Lance had fell to his knees and was now holding his hand closely to his chest.

I looked back up at the monster, seeing his body had become nothing like I've seen before, making me shiver a little with fear, but I soon realized what I had to do. I leaped up, loosing my balance but I caught myself before I fell. I pulled Lance over my shoulder and bolted.

I didn't know my body could go this fast. I was soon able to feel all my bones begin to ache, but I knew if I stopped something might happen to Lance. I needed to keep going, fo Lance's sake.

Loud footsteps lingered near behind me, but they weren't running, they were walking menacingly slow, prolonging my near death agony I was soon going to have to face.

I felt like I was going in circles, till I saw a large opening and decided to take it rather than going down the maze of twist and turns on this ship.

I ended up inside a large room that held many of the Galra aircrafts. I looked around anxiously, hoping to find a pod I could place myself and Lance in so we could leave this hell and be retrieved by our friends that were fighting for us so earnestly outside.

I soon saw a handful of pods, and clamored towards them, almost tripping on my stumbling knees and faceplanting on the ground below.

I opened the doors to one of the pods, and placed Lance inside.

" Keith, I'm sorry I only became a nuisance," Lance breathed as he clutched his hand harder.

" No. You are the reason why I was able to fight so hard in a situation like this," I said as I looked down at Lance.

I looked around to see if there was a way to launch this pod, because it seemed to all be made differently than human products, real surprise.

I soon found the launch button, letting let out a sigh. I went towards it, but a shot flew right by my face disabling the machine.

I twisted my head to the left, seeing Lotor and about ten other Galra troops marching towards me.

I looked back down at Lance, seeing the pain in his face as he scrunched up into a ball. If anyone was getting out of here it was going to be Lance.

I pulled Lance onto my back once again and raced for another pod. This time the process went faster, but I needed to launch it before Lotor was able to destroy Lance's chance to get out of here.

I laid Lance down in the pod and ran to the button, but by the time I got there Lotor was standing right next to me. I slammed my hand down onto the launch button, hearing Lance yell towards me, but I didn't care as long as he was safe I could continue on.

Lance's face popped up, we stared at each other for half a second through the thick glass before I mouth the words " I love you " to him. The pod shot off into space, giving me enough view to see Pidges lion capture the pod in its mouth and fly off towards the emptiness.

" Why you!" Lotor's voice boomed over me. His hand came down and grabbed the back of my shirt. He pulled my back harshly, choking me for a couple seconds and then flung me onto the ground. I felt all my bones and muscle give out, I don't even know how I lasted this long.

" I would kill you...but..." Lotor began.

" But? Your just scared of what  Voltron can do to you," I blurted out, making sure Lotor knew how confident I was in my friends.

" You, I have a better idea for you," Lotor said before smiling devilishly at me.

" Oh, what would that be?" I laughed at him.

" I'm going to fuck you," Lotor's voice whispered in my ear, making me shake with fear. I looked back at his face seeing the delight in his eyes, what?

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