Chapter 7 - Lance

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" L-Lotor! Stop it! What do you think your doing!" Keith screamed as he tried shaking him off.

What was I witnessing? My friend was being pinned down by the Galra's leaders son, and I was sitting here watching. I couldn't just let this happen.

" Lotor, you fuck! Leave Keith alone!" I yelled as I began to struggle in my chair, but it seemed to be attached to the ground.

" Haha, not good enough? Alright," Lotor chuckled as he slid his hand down and grabbed the bottom of Keith's shirt. He lifted his shirt up until Keith's entire chest was exposed.

" Stop!!" Keith pleaded as he began to shiver at the sudden chill of the room. Lotor looked down at Keith's chest, his face turning a little pink.

" The more you struggle, the more I'll play with you," Lotor brought his hand to Keith's shoulders, and pushed Keiths body down lower.

" Ahhh!" Keith panted as Lotor pulled Keith closer to his body, making no space between them.

The chains that held Keith to the bed were stretched to their full length, causing there to be more pressure against Keith's wrists.

Lotor leaned forward, pushing himself even closer to Keith, making him twitch and breath out heavily. When Lotor had finally found his comfortable position, he came back down to Keith's chest.

" adorable," Lotor said as he blew on Keith's bare skin, making him shudder.

" No!" Keith was desperatally yelling, but just doing that wasn't enough.

Lotor's looked up towards Keith, seeing his reaction seemed to make him happy. Lotor looked back down at Keith's chest and stuck out his tounge.

Keith gasped loudly, making the room fill with his loud moans. Keith's stuggling caused the bed to move and creak. Lotor didn't plan on stopping, and continued moving his tounge along every part of Keith's chest and stomach.

" L-Lance! Don't look!" Keith yelled, but I was unable to. With Keith's loud moans filling the room and the noises of the bed moving made it impossible to look away. I was captured, Keith was being attacked by Lotor, and me, what was I doing?

" Stop now Lotor, or else I'll have the paladins destroy your ship," I said, making my voice sound confident.

" Oh, and how would they know you need help if you have no way of telling them," Lotor said as he started to grind himself roughly against Keith.

" Time limit. If I'm gone for a certain amount of time, they'll attack this ship," I said. Knowing Pidge had been outside keeping track of me helped my case, hopefully she had gone to get the rest of the paladins.

" Haha, if, when they do come, I'm prepared," Lotor said cheekily.

Lotor slid his hand up Keith's chest and grabbed his nipple, squeezing it between his fingers roughly. Lotor leaned upwards and kissed Keith on the lips gently, but then Lotor shifted his body, causing Keith to gasp. Lotor slid into Keith's mouth and began sucking on his tounge. Lotor jumped back in shock, Keith had bit Lotor's tounge to the point it started to bead and drip put the sides of his mouth.

" Fuck off perv!" Keith panted as he furrowed his brows, making a menacing look at Lotor, even though Keith's eyes were covered.

" That's just what I'm doing to you," Lotor whispered, but made it just loud enough so I could hear it.

I started to grind my teeth, trying to think of what to do, he was touching my Keith! Keith's loud panting echoed in the background, making me bite my lip causing it to blead.

" Now we can go-" The ship suddenly jolted, causing Lotor to cut his sentence short.

" They're already here huh? Why does everything come at a bad time," Lotor stood up and started to walk towards the door.

" Lotor! What are you planning on doing?!" I yelled towards him as the door slid open.

" To catch everything at once," Lotor exited to room, leaving me and Keith alone.


I'm sorry! I would've posted sooner, but using the word...nipple....was too embarrassing that I kept deleting it and going back, but I've done it! Thank you!

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