Chapter 5 - Lance

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Zarkons ship came into sight.

" Pidge, you ready?" I asked.

" Yes, let's get Keith back!" Pidge said enthusiastically.

All I was able to say was, " Yes, let's go!" But my voice was shaky and sounded almost, scared.

" Be careful..." I heard Pidges voice whisper through the com right before I flew out of the Galra ship.

I floated slowly towards the large Galra ship, hoping the ship I had just been on would occupy my enimies attention rather than them noticing me. 

I flew through an opening in the ship, where the smaller ships had come out of to inspect the abondoned ship I had just been on. As soon as I had a foot hold inside the Galra's ship I began to search for Keith.

I ran down halls, trying to avoid any Galra troops that came running down the halls. All the hallways looked the same, so knowing if I had been somewhere before would be impossible.

The doors seemed to all be secured, giving me no chance of finding Keith, but just thinking about him being stuck on this hell hole scared me, and made me search more.

The lights on the ship began to flicker and turn red. An alarm rang, sending shivers up my back and make my hair stand on end. Was I found out?

Loud footsteps echoed down a hallway, and I hid behind a corner. I crouched down and peeked around, seeing Lotor walking down one of the hallways.

I could kill him right now, and then take out Zarkon, but I want to see Keith more than wanting to take them out.

Lotor was soon out of sight and I ran around the corner in the direction he'd come from. I turned around a corner swiftly, but there were two Galra soldiers standing in front of a door. Why would they be guarding that room?

They noticed me immediately, and started shooting. I slid behind a wall and pulled out my gun. I got on my stomach and placed my gun into the open. I took my aim on one of the Galra soldiers and shot him. He fell to the ground with a loud thunk.

The other Galra soldier kicked my gun from my hands and placed his gun to the back of my head, but I quickly grabbed his gun from him and twirled it around. The shot was loud but hit the spot.

I ran around the Galra's fallen bodies and stood in front of the door they had been guarding. If it wasn't Keith behind this door, then who could it be? If it was Zarkon I needed to be ready. I picked my gun back up and placed my hand on the large doors.

The doors quickly slid open and I held my gun up to attention, but the only thing that was in the room was a bed? I couldn't tell because of how dark it was.

I walked into the room, with the doors slowly closing behind me, blacking everything out.

A few seconds went by, causing me to think if I was caught, lost, or about to die.

Lights quickly lit up the room, and the bed was visible. Someone was laying on it, they had their hands chained to the headboard and their mouth was gagged.

I took a few steps closer and immediately recognized who it was.

Keith! But something was wrong. He looked like he was in a lot of pain. His hand looked out of wack, and dark circles were under his eyes, almost making him look like he was dead. His skin had blood stains, was it his?

" Keith," I said, but my voice was very quiet so he couldn't hear me.

I ran over to his side and began to fiddle with the chains, trying to tear them off him. Keith's body began to shake in terror.

" Keith...It's ok now, I'm here," I said as I placed a hand on the side of his face. His eyes opened and he looked like he was trying to grasp the situation, but couldn't quite do it.

I slid my hand down his face and took the gag out so he could speak.

" L..Lance..I knew you'd come," He said as his voice began to fade.

" Of course...who would I make fun of if yo weren't there," I placed another hand on the side of his face, and placed my forehead to his.

Keith weakly smiled up at me and lifted his head. My lips were touch by his briefly. They were soft, and warm, but most of all they were the most comforting thing I'd ever felt.

Keith's head fell back onto the bed. He had passed out. I grabbed his head and lifted it up. I pressed my lips to his again and felt the comfort flow through me once again. Why did i do this? It was quite obvious now. I loved Keith, I don't want anyone to touch him again, or I'll kill them.

I brought my hands back to his chains and unlocked them. I stood back up and was about to place my hands under him to lift him off the bed, but a hand slid onto my shoulder and the other hand stabbed me in the stomach.

I stumbled to the ground to catch my breath, but another hand pulled my hair and through me onto the ground.

" What a sweet reunion, hope it was worth it," I looked up and my eyes widened as I saw Lotor standing above me.

" L...Lotor?"

" I hope your in for some more fun," He said as he slammed his hand into my stomach one more time.

Blackness filled my vision, and I remember the last thing I saw, was  Lotor smirking down at me as he slid his hand over to Keith.

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