Chapter 13 - Lance

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Pidge and I wanted to get to Keith as soon as possible. Our plan had been decided once we discussed that getting Voltron was uneccessay and take too much time.

Pidge began attacking the Galra ship and I infiltrated it. I was hoping to find Keith quickly and alone. I had been tracing Keith, but the hallways made it nearly impossible to make it to his location quickly, and Pidge couldn't hold the Galra ship off for that long.

I stood in front of what looked like to be a dungeon, but that's what every room all the Galra ship looked like to me. The door slowly slid open. Once I saw what was beyond the door, time stopped. My heart shattered and my eyes widened.

" Keith....." I whispered quickly. What should I do. Keith was being pushed to the ground by Lotor, and it looked like he was crying?

Keith's head slowly lifted, revealing what state he was in. Tears were pouring out of his eyes, and saliva was dripping from his mouth and landing on the ground below him.

"L-Lance save me, please," He whimpered. Lotor's head shot up and he looked directly at me but made no sign of moving. His lips slithered into a scary smile as he glared at me with his dark eyes.

" You fucker!" I exclaimed as I charged towards him. Lotor lifted Keith up and layed him across his stomach as he stood up.

Keith looked like he was dead. His body just flopped around however Lotor wanted it to. I can't belive this guy, using Keith as a shield against me. I wanted to kill him.

I dropped my weapon and charged at Lotor, but all I ran into was Keith. I wrapped my arms around Keith's torso and and yanked him away from Lotor.

I stumbled backwards, feeling Keith's weight land on top of me. His fluffy mullet brushed against my face, and made me want to cry.

" I'm so happy," I felt tears brimming at my eyes, but I knew I hadn't gotten out of there yet.

My hands tightened around Keith's body and I bolted up. I ran past my weapon and picked it up. The door slid open as I escaped through it, but I could hear Lotor quickly gaining behind me.

I looked down at Keith. He was in horrible shape, bruises and cuts painted his smooth skin, he had dark circles under his eyes and dried tear stains covered his flawless cheeks.

I'd never seen Keith cry before, Lotor needed to be killed. I was going to do it. Keith would be haunted by what he did to him everyday, so I should take revenge for him.

My pace became slower, and I spun around. Lotor wasn't there. What? He was planning something, and the best thing I could do for now was escape rather than go after him and put Keith into more danger. Putting my plan of revenge on hold pissed me off, but it was the best option Keith and I had.

I slid Keith onto my back and made sure he wouldn't slip off while I was running to the pods.

The alarms began going off, and the ship was starting to jerk back and forth. I stumbled, but was able to keep Keith on me because he was really light. Had he been fed?

I heard footsteps start to stumble down one of the halls and began running again. I kept tripping myself because of the ships odd movements causing the noises to get closer each time.

" Keith, everything's okay we'll be out of here soon, Pidge is here too! So just hang in there a little longer," I could feel my breath reflect off his pale skin and make him twitch.

I smiled down at him but then quickly continued running.

" We'll be back with the others soon Keith, they're all waiting," my words echoed in my head, causing me to believe them as well.
" Pidge! We need you to be ready, I'm almost to the pods!"

" I'm ready, I won't be able to hold them off that much longer so hurry up Lance!" She yelled.

I quickened my pace and was soon to my destination. The pods doors opened up slowly, but I still had time before anyone would catch me.

I laid Keith down in the center of the pod and quickly pressed the eject button. I launch myself at Keith and held him in my arms so that our rough departure from the Galra's ship wouldn't harm him.

As soon as I felt the the pod leave the Galra ship, I felt so relieved. Keith was safe with me, and nothing was ever going to take him away from me. I tightened my arms around him as I saw Pidges lion's jaws close around us. We were safe, finally.

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