Chapter 6 - Keith

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My body felt rested and relaxed, knowing I would be taken back to the others  was the most soothing thing to think about. Having been able to see Lance had taken all my stress and made me so happy I anything.

My eyes slowly opened, but I didn't see what I was hoping to. I was still on the Galra ship, on the same bed, in the same room. Was it just a dream? My lips still felt warm, because I had...kissed Lance. Having dreams like this now, I didn't know if it was a nightmare or a blessing.

My hands were still bond to the headboard, and my mouth gagged, but something was different. The room had another presence to it. I felt like I was being watched, but whoever or whatever it was didn't strike me as dangerous, more as safe.

I tried lifting my head, but it used to many muscles in my neck that my shoulders began to cramp, but with those few seconds with my head lifted, I saw another chair in my room. Someone was sitting on it, but I couldn't tell who. Lotor? No, if he'd realized I was awake by now he would've started torturing me.

I began to pull at my chains, causing them to create a rattling sound to fill the room.

The door slid open allowing light to enter, and I lifted my head. Before I noticed who was coming through the doorway, my eyes shot towards the seat that was placed across my bed. Lance! Why was he here?! I noticed blood was running down the top of his head and out of his mouth. He was alive right? Who did this to him? I will kill anyone who did this to him!

A hand slid onto my neck at lifted it to face whoever it was. Lotor, him, I was going to kill him. He pulled the gag off roughly, catching my nose in the process.

" Seems you've recovered from last time. Are you in for another round...of a different type of torture?" The last thing he had said, his voice changed a little, like he was about to do something that was going to kill me.

" What did you do to Lance?!" I ordered. His eyes looked down at me shaper, and he walked over to Lance's side. He placed his hand on the side of Lance's face as he walked behind the chair Lance was chained to.

" Oh, this thing? I hit, punished?, and tortured him for a little while. He seemed to of had a good time beforehand though," Lotor seemed to be in a nastier mood than I've ever seen him, and was about to take it out on me.

" Don't touch him!" I spat out, but now Lotor was walking over to me, with something in his hand.

" Oh, is that how you want to play it? Then I shall start," He slid his body next to mine, and began to look at me seductively.

" Do you know what's going to happen now?" He asked me, teasingly.

" How would I know, you do weird and different shit all the time," before I could say anything else, Lotor took what was in his hand and slid it over my eyes. A blindfold?

" Wha- What are you doing?! Take this off immediately!" I yelled as I began to flail my body in protest.

" You have no control in this situation, so either shut up, or it'll get worse for you," his voice sent chills down my spine and caused my breathing to become heavier.

" Now, shall we wake him," I heard Lotor pick something off a metal rack, that sound of metal scraping against metal would haunt me forever.

" Wh-What are you going to do to Lance! Leave him alone!" Only being able to hear the sounds was hell, what if it was something deadly and he was going to kill Lance? This agonizing moment was making me shake with fear of what was going to happen next.

Nothing was happening, but I swear I heard Lotor pick something up, what was it? Was this the torture? What's going on?

I felt something sharp slice against the side of my cheek. Blood dripped out of the wound, and landed onto my ear, only to fall onto the bed.

" Ha, as if you thought this was it, don't worry, I'll make sure your
' precious ' Lance will wake up to a beautiful sight."

I gulped, not knowing if it was heard over my heavy breathing that I couldn't control.

Two fingers slipped up my chin, and began to caress my bottom lip. I closed my mouth tightly, but Lotor jabbed me in the stomach with his other hand causing me to gasp for air. At this moment Lotor shoved two fingers inside my mouth,and began to swirl them around oddly. He shifted positions, and placed himself between my legs and leaned against me.

" mmm.." I tried to speak through his fingers, but it was impossible. I slammed my mouth closed, and grinded my teath again Lotor's fingers, causing him to pull away with shock.

I felt Lotor's metalic blood in my mouth, and spit it out onto the bed, disgusting.

" Get off of me freak!" I yelled, but that only angered him more.

He pushed my shoulders into the bed and brought his hands to my neck, beginning to choke me.

" Listen here, fucker, don't pull shit like that again, or I just might kill you," He whispered in my. His breath was hot on my ear, making me shiver in fear of what was to come.

" Oh, would you look at that...someone's finally waking up. Now the fun begins," Lotor let go of my neck and sat back up.

Lotor's legs were lifting mine up some, and his hands were now placed on my chest, but gently.

" K-Keith? Keith! Lotor, what are you doing to him? Stop!" I heard Lance yell. How much I wanted to see his face at this moment.

" Well, you have just woken up for the show of your life! I will now personally service your friend in front of you!" Lotor said cheerfully.

Silence filled the room, and I felt myself become stiff. What was he going to do? No. This can't be right, this can't happen, I'm also a guy.

" Now where were we?" Lotor's sharp voice dug into me, and I began to stuggling against his legs and arms that held me to the bed.

" Don't try to escape now, the funs about to begin," I continued to resist as I felt Lotor come closer to me.


Soo....ya...the next chapter will be a little intense, so if you're not into guy on guy don't go any further. If you don't like guy on guy why would you even be reading this? Don't worry, they'll make it out alive...hopefully.

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