Chapter 15 - Lance

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Keith's wrists were so thin and petite, it felt as if I could crack them between my fingers, but I don't want to do that. I want to feel Keith's hand on the side of my face, through my hair and . . . I just wanted to feel Keith.

His tears cascaded down his smooth cheeks making me feel desperate. 

" Keith, please, I want you!" I have become so desperate it hurts. My face burned with anticipation and fear of losing Keith because of my mistakes. 

" Lance, why? Why are you acting like this?" Keith's eyes looked up at me, he wanted something, but what? I wanted to cherish him, make him understand how I thought, how was that? 

" Keith, I want to hold you." 

" Is that it? Just that?" his eyes seemed to stare through me, sadly. He wasn't here anymore. 

" Keith . . . I," I didn't know what to say, what was I supposed to say?

" A skin relationship. I will help you feel relived, no feelings included," I loosened my grip on his wrist, allowing him to sit up and push his way out from under me. 

What was going on? The situation had changed, I am uncomfortable. I wanted to jump up and hold Keith tight in my arms, but I just couldn't. He seemed too far away, I was scared he would drift further if I touched him. 

Keith's arms reached down to the bottom of his shirt. He began to lift it until it was covering his face and clinging to his fine shoulders. 

I couldn't let him think this, he needed to know what I meant. My hands violently grasped his upper arm and pushed him to the ground, while his shirt concealed his face and trapped his arms. I felt everything would poor out causing me to seize his heart, but I didn't want him to suffer, I only wanted him to realize the truth.  

"Keith. . ." everything ached, but I needed to say it. 

"Just do it, Lance," his words hurt, but held no truth to them.

" Keith I . . ." I . . . Loved Keith. I didn't just want to hold him. I wanted to love, cherish, and protect him from those who want to destroy his only sense of innocent.

"Lance, don't worry about me, just do what you want, I'll accept all of it." Even when Keith was saying this his body was trembling.

"Do you think I'm doing this just so I could be satisfied?"

"Why else would you want to do this to me?" Keith shoved my arms aside and finished pulling the shirt from his body.

"Why? So I could see new sides of you, witness a new you that no one has seen. I just, want you." Keith's face redded, but soon relaxed to its normal state of white.

"What are you trying to say Lance? Do you . . . Love me?" Keith's eyes watered as he stared into my eyes.

"No!" Before I'd realized how harsh my response was, Keith had look away. I needed to fix this.

I clasped my hands around Keith's face, forced him to look at me and shut my eyes.

" Keith, what I feel for you is more than what you would call love! I don't just want you by my side, I need you by my side, I would die without you near me. I want to lock you away from those who desire you, and keep you to myself, but that would hurt you and that's the last thing I want to do. Keith, don't doubt my feelings for you, they span beyond this and the next universe." My ears were ringing as the words slipped from my mouth, but a heavy weight had been lifted.

As I opened my eyes to look at Keith, his face had become red and wet. His tears slipped from his eyes and ran along his crooked smile as he looked up at me. He was . . . Happy. I was happy.

"Keith, may I kiss you," I felt my fingers tingle as I uttered my true desire.

"Lance, please."

I lessened my grip along the sides of Keith's face and ran them into his ugly mullet. It was soft and warm, beckoning me towards him. I slowly pushed closer to his face until my lips were placed on his. My eyes darted to his, but his were closed. I pushed my lips into his harder, engraving the shape of mine into the softness of his.

Keith shivered as I laid my weight on the top of his bare chest and slipped my fingers along his side.

I wanted in, I wanted to feel the warmth of Keith's mouth, but he was so tense.

"Keith, will you let me go further?" At first he trembled a little, but then opened his eyes.

"Lance, I want your everything! Please hurry!" His arms clasped around my shoulders as he lifted himself up to peck my lips.

My face heated and I pushed him back to the ground. I grabbed Keith's jaw, forcing him to open his mouth and slid my tounge inside. The roof of his mouth was rough, but his tounge was smooth and slippery, causing me to wander my tounge along each crevice.

"L . . . Lance," He breathed between each letter, "I love you!" His voice tickled my tounge that rested in his mouth.

I pulled away from keith gently and looked down at him. He was mine. He loved me. I loved him.

I rested my head in the valley of Keith's neck and sighed. I loved him more than any man or woman.

I ran my tounge along his throat, causing him to swallow loudly, and trailed it down his chest towards his stomach, but stopped between them and returned back to his chest.

His body was divine. I couldn't wait to hold him in my own arms, and feel all of him.

I brought my tounge along one of his nipples and sucked. He flinched and covered his mouth. I wanted him to feel more.

I ran my hand up to his other nipple and pinched it between my fingers, they were hard.

I pushed my lower body against his and forced myself between his legs. He was turned on. He looked up at me seductively and caused me to speed up.

I placed my hands on his crotch and began running them along it. Keith's eyes clamped shut and he held his voice with his left hand.

I wanted to hear him. I let go of his crotch and pulled his hand from his face. He looked at me, trying to tempt me, it was too late. I wanted to mess Keith up, now.

I slid back down to swim in his mouth, but then the door to the pod slid open.


"Hey guys. Glad to see your okay. You should . . . I'm leaving," Pidge closed the pod door and disappeared.

Keith was already out from under me and pulling his shirt back over his magnificent chest.

"NOOO! We'd just got into the mood!" I pleaded.

Keith looked back at me and pondered it.

"W. . . Want to go to my room?" His voice shook, but I was not going to miss this opportunity.



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