Chapter 9 - Lance

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I held Keith close to my chest, I never wanted to let him go. Keeping him closer to me made me feel more secure for his safety. His breathing was heavy and raggedy, which worried me. His weight seemed to have diminished, or has he always been this light? 

Keith's grasp on my shirt continued, even though he had already passed out. He's so cute, why hadn't I noticed before. Maybe I did, but I never wanted to realize I had such feelings for him. 

My hand began to tingle. I tried to act all cool when I picked Keith up, but the reality was that I had broken my wrist. The ropes were tight, but I didn't just want to sit there and wait for Lotor to come back and touch my Keith again.

I carefully walked to the exit, making sure I didn't move around to much, I didn't want to disturb Keith since he was already in bad shape. I slid my hand up and placed it on the door, but it didn't seem like it would budge. Locked doors on a Galra ship? Did Lotor know I would do something like this? Probably, what else did he know? He knew the paladins would arrive, what was he going to do with them? 

I suddenly felt shivers go down my spine. I needed to warn my friends before something awful happened. 

I placed Keith on the ground, and walked towards the door. Could I do anything to get this open? I was defenseless and injured, but I would do anything to help my friends, and Keith. I leaned my head against the door, I had to think, positively.

This was really like a prison. No escape, just waiting. Hopefully Shiro and the rest of the team will be able to escape Lotor's grasp, but without me they can't form Voltron. How would they be able to go up against Lotor? They needed me, I couldn't just sit in here and wait for them to get caught. 

My positive thinking had immediately left me. I turned back around, seeing Keith was still asleep. He looked a little different though, his face had turned red, and sweat was running down his face.

I rushed over to Keith's side and picked him up, leaning him on my legs. I placed my hand on his forehead, feeling his heat rush onto me. He was running a high fever. I needed to get him out of here before he got worse.

" L-Lance..." Keith's voice rang in my ears, and I looked down at him. Keith's eyes were partly open, but their purple color was visible, making me shudder with excitement. I felt a warm hand slide onto the side of my face. Keith pulled my face down slowly, giving me enough time to think of many different things that could be happening. I felt the warmth of Keith's lips place on my own. What?

Keith's tongue slid across my lips, making me hesitate. His fingers tangled themselves in my hair, putting more pressure into the kiss. I wanted so much to push him down and return the kiss, but he was injured severely and had a fever, I didn't want to take advantage of his confusion of kissing me.

Keith's body soon relaxed, making him loose all his strenght. His body went limp, and he was soon back into his horrible state. I felt horrible seeing him like this.

I was stuck in the position Keith had left me in. My face had turned a deep red, and my lips were still glossed with Keith's saliva. I looked back down at Keith, seeing his body shift ever so slightly.

I pushed Keiths hair out of his face. His breaths seemed to be getting faster and louder, causing him to make noises. His eyelashes were so long, and his lips were so soft I just...

" Ha...this is getting dangerous," I tilted my head down and sighed. We needed to get out of here before something happened. If I stayed her and longer, I would loose all control over my actions and let my emotions drive me.

The ship shook vigorously, causing me to tighten my grip onto Keith so he didn't fall. Our friends were out there risking their lives to save us, and me? I felt useless, but there really wasn't anything I could do but believe in my friends fighting abilities.

" Payback huh?" I said as I continued cradling Keith in my arms. I placed my hand back on the side of Keith's face. Keith nuzzled himself into my hand, this time it was really too much, he was too cute I didn't know how much longer I could hold out.

The door in front of me slid open, if it was Lotor I was prepared to jump him.

Shiro stepped into the room, casting a shadow on me and Keith sitting on the ground. 

" Shiro!" I yelled happily. His gaze landed an me and he looked relived, but then his eyes shot down to where Keith was and he quickly shifted feelings.

He rushed over to my side and bent down quickly. He immediately noticed Keith's completion, and placed his forehead on Keith's. I felt my heart squeeze tightly but I ignored it.

" Hurry we need to get him out of here," Shiro slid his arms under Keith and lifted him up, having Keith lean his weight against him. I didn't like this. 

Shiro ran out of the open doors, and I quickly followed behind him, irritated.

Soo....I hope your enjoying...and I hope my writing isn't to hard to understand...I'm sorry if my updates take too long...and...thank you! I enjoy writing, especially about these characters, ya, that's all.

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