Chapter 11 - Lance

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" I love you," I see Keith say before the pod was shot out of the Galra ship.

" KEITH!!" I screamed as I began banging my hand against the windows thick glass. I felt my hand loose it's strenght and slide down.

The pod was suddenly jolted, making me fall to the ground. I felt the pain from my hand begin to take over my thoughts. I gripped my hand tightly, hoping that squeezing it would make the pain be less, but no.  

" Keith..." I began to whisper. Thoughts of what Lotor would do to Keith now made my body begin to tense. Why was Lotor touching Keith like that? Why did it seem like he was angry at me when he was doing it?

" Keith...hang in there, I'll be there soon so please wait for me," My body began to tremble as I tried to keep myself from crying. 

The pods door shot open and Pidge came running in. 

" Lance! Keith!" She yelled as she ran inside. Once she noticed I was lying on the ground by myself she went quiet. Pidge bent down so she was at eye level to me. " Lance, where's Keith?" Her words stung me, making me want to curl up and scream at what I've done. I had left Keith behind with Lotor who will do God knows what to him! 

" Pidge, we have to go back! Keith's still on that ship!" I yelled as I reached up and placed my hand on her shoulder. She reached out and grabbed my other hand, making me wince in pain.    " Pidge are you listening? Lotor's going to-" she cut me off by placing her hand over my mouth.

" Lance! We'll get Keith back, but first we need to make sure you're in the state to do that, okay? Do you think we'll need the rest of Voltron for this?" She looked me straight in the eyes, making me grip her shoulder harder. 

If we went to get the rest of Voltron it would take too long and I don't know how long Keith had. Lotor had something he was planning, and I didn't want all of us to be one big target for his plans. We probably did need Voltron to be able to get Keith, but no.

" No, we need to hurry and get Keith back now!" I yelled once again, making her furrow her brows at me. 

" We will Lance, calm down! Why are you so angry? Did something happen to Keith?" Pidge questioned me. I looked down at my legs, and nodded.

" Then lets stop wasting time and get you healed so we can make our move as soon as possible!" She yelled at me. 

I nodded in agreement quickly so she knew my answer right away. We needed to get down to business if we were going to be able to save Keith before something worse happened to him. 

" Keith...." I curled my hand up into a fist, " I'm coming."

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