Chapter 14 - Keith

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My body felt heavy, but I was comfortable. It was warm and felt fluffy, and the arms around me made me float with happiness. I opened one of my eyes, hoping what I was feeling now was true.

The light was so strong, but my eyes quickly picked the handsome face out of it. Lance, beautiful and kind. I missed him, I love him, I think. Is thinking of him loving him?

My mind began to wander, asking the questions that were irrelevant to the situation. I needed to know how I got here? Where was Lotor? Were we safe? Is this really Lance?

" Lance?" I whispered, but my voice didn't make it to him. His skin was reflecting the purple lights of a Galra ship. Was this a pod?

I lifted my hand, and slid it against the side of his face, seeing if he was real. He was soft and warm, making my body tingle from the contact.

His head whipped around and looked down towards me. I couldn't help but smiling up at his beautiful face.

" Keith! I'm so happy you're alright! I would've gotten you sooner but..." his voice cut out as he began to clutch onto me roughly.

" It's okay, now that I'm here with you," I whispered into his ear as I ran my hands through his fluffy hair and wrapped my other arm around him.

" Never thought I'd hear such cheesy words come from your smug mouth," I could feel my eyes starting to water, but held it in.

"'d we get here?" My question seemed to hurt the mood. Lance's face wavered, but his expression went back to happiness.

" It's a secret," I could feel Lance's hot breath rub against my neck making me shiver.

" Lance," I wanted to tell him what I was feeling, but before I could start he cut me off.

" What was Lotor doing?! He was...touching you? Why was he touching you!" Lance's hands started to grip my arms pushing them against my sides.

" O-ow Lance what are you doing?" My voice croaked as Lance pushed me to the ground. The back of my head slammed on the ground and I groaned.

" Keith! Why was Lotor touching you like that?! Why were you letting him touch you like that!?" Lance's voice started to scream, and I felt a lump begin in my throat.

" Lance please you're hurting me...can't we discuss this?" My hands began to ache under the pressure Lance was forcing onto them.

" I don't want to hurt you! But when I think of how that asshole was touching you, I just get so angry that I feel I need to make you mine before someone else vandalizes you!" I felt tear drops begin to land on my cheek, and soon my tears melted into Lance's tears.

" Lance, I would never allow anyone to touch me! I only want you to touch me! If-" Lance's lips landed below my eyes as he kissed my cheek.

" Keith, you're mine!" His face looked desperate as he tried to hide his red cheeks.

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