Chapter 16 - Keith

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My hands trembled as I pulled my shirt back over my stomach. I was so straight forward towards Lance it scared me. I brought my hands up to my face, and its heat melted them.

"NOOO! We'd just go into the mood!" Lance pleaded.

I turned and faced Lance. I didn't want to leave things like this either. To have such a longing to be held by Lance needed to be fulfilled, now.

"W . . . Want to go to my room?" I tried not to mix my desire with my tone, but it caused my voice to shake.

Lance looked surprised at first, but  his expression changed rapidly. Before I knew it Lance's arms had wrapped around me and lifted me up over one of his shoulders. I was left with the view of his ass, but rather than looking at it I closed my eyes so that my face would change its tone of red.

I felt the pressure of Lance's arms against my legs which were muscular and motivated me to keep my eyes closed so I would not lose myself. He seemed calm, but I felt he was more excited then anything.

"Keith...hold on!" His entire body plunged forward and I wrapped my arms around his waist to keep me from falling off. 

Only seconds had passed and I was thrown onto a soft bed. Lance quickly loomed over me and began tearing my shirt off over my face. His hands were warm and felt like they melted everything they touched. 

I looked up at him. He was already sweating, and the content gaze he had as he fumbled around with taking my pants off was adorable. His strong hands felt safe and caused my heart to thump rapidly. I felt happy . . . more than happy. I had the most amazing man in the universe. 

"Lance, hurry," I lifted my hand up and ran it through his hair causing him to look down at me, "erase everything I once was and make me incapable of living without you." 

"Keith. Don't stir me up so much," Lance's voice had become rasp and anxious making me desperate for his touch.    

I nuzzled my face into Lances shoulder attempting to pull him closer to me, while he slid his hand into my underwear. My whole body shook as I held Lance close to me, trying to conceal my flustered face. 

The way his hand moved along my dick was gentle and reassuring,  almost making me cum instantly. I shifted my eyes to the side of his head, seeing his bright red ears. I couldn't help but smile, he was so adorable. I ran my tongue along Lance's lobe and to the top of his ear. His head quickly shot up, showing his flustered face. I couldn't help but giggle, which only fired him up more. 

I felt my underwear get ripped off from my thighs, and I saw the remains get tossed over the side of the bed. I felt Lance's strong hands pin down my shoulders into the bed, pushing me an inch deeper into the mattress. 

"I'm sorry Lance! Forgive me?" I said as I lifted my hands up and clasped them on either side of his waist. 

"You will be sorry!" his lips immediately started ravaging my neck and chin. I felt shivers go down my body, reacting to each lick, kiss, and nibble. His arms stretched back down to my crotch and continued with their work. 

"Relax," Lance whispered between heavy pants. It was almost like he was in heat. 

I felt one of his hands leave my crotch and push against my butt. I gasped at looked up at him. 

"It's okay, it's me, Razzle-Dazzle Lance! I'll make you feel good," I felt one of his fingers slide in easily with the use of my precum. I clasped onto Lances shirt and pulled him closer to me. Lances motion on both places became more rapid. At first his finger was hurting me, but now I wanted more. 

Another finger slid inside me and I gasped. 

"Ah! Lance! I, want you!" I pushed my face away from his shoulder and stared into his eyes. 

"Remember you tempted me! I'll try to do it gently," Lance's presents left my body as he took off his remaining clothes. 

I felt his bare chest rub against me, and his hot breath run against my neck. 

"Hold onto me," Lance said as he lifted my arms and placed them over his back. 

I felt the warmth from his dick push against my ass, my face heated up at the idea of him being inside me. 

"Brace yourself," he said as he added another lick onto my neck. 

His sudden movement caught me by surprise and I was met with pain, and pleasure. I didn't know what to do, I needed to catch my breath. 

"Relax, Keith. Take deep breaths," he said as he moved my hair aside from my face and planted a kiss on my forehead. 

"May I?" he asked as he looked at me with puppy eyes. 

"F-fine, go ahead," I said. 

I felt his dick slowly pull out of my ass, and braced myself for another thrust. 

"Ahh! L-Lance!" I managed to gasp as he pushed himself back inside me. 

"K-Keith!" He moaned as he continued thrusting. 

"L-Lance, I love you!" I yelled as I pulled myself up to place my lips on his.

"Lance I'm-" I felt the pleasure take control of my body and consume all my reason. I came. 

I caught my breath and looked back up at Lance. His face was red, his smile was enormous, and his eyes glimmered. 

"I had sex with Keith!" He exclaimed as he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into a bear hug. 

"Keith, lets do this more often!" 


He squeezed me tighter after my response. 

"Let's defeat the Galra and bring peace to the universe, and our lives," He said sweetly. 

"Ya," was all I managed to say. 

"Hey Keith."

"I love you."


IT IS OVER!! My first fan fiction, sadly with many confusing mistakes that I will hopefully not make in the next one I create. I hope you enjoyed all this confusion and decide to join me with my next story that will make more sense.     

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