Chapter 4 - Keith

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Lotor had finally left, but I had lost all feeling in my legs, and my eyes seemed to be fading as well. The more time that passed, the more I thought of useless Lance. Who knew if I would be able to insult him about his shooting skills and place on the team ever again.

My mind began to run delusions, and before I knew it, I had gone completely crazy. Ha, I need to escape before I become more insane.

" As if...I'd just sit here and rot," I whispered to myself. My numb legs began to shake, attempting to lift me up. I felt my body rise, but lost balance and hit the wall behind be. I tried not to slide down it, but my legs were shaking, I wanted to see everyone again. Pidges smart way of talking, Hunks cooking, Shiro's yelling, and...Lance's smile.

I tried pulling at my wrists, but the metal only cut deeper into my flesh and caused them to drip with blood. I looked around the room to see if there was anything that would be useful. I spotted a pair of keys, most likely just out of my reach so that my suffering would would be in vain.

I needed to be a little more flexible if I was to be able to reach the keys, but I would have to inflict more pain on myself by breaking one of my wrists.

I thought my choices over carefully and snapped my wrist, sending more pain up my back.

I lifted my foot up and caught the keys on the tip of my foot. I brought my foot up to my mouth and took the keys off. I tilted my head to the side and spit them out, having the tips of my figures catch them. My hands clumsily fumbled around with the lock until it clicked off, and I did the same with my other wrist.

I walked towards the door, but my stomach was lurching so much that I covered my hand over my mouth to keep my from throwing up. My twisted wrist stung at the sudden movement, causing the stomach pains to hurt more.

The door in front of me slid open devilishly, and I stepped out into the empty hallway, not standing any chance against anyone.

I stumbled down the halls, hoping I would be lucky and find an escape route. My hands slid against the walls as I tripped on invisible steps.

The Galra ship began to ring with a loud sound, a warning bell? Did they find out I had escaped? Would Lotor come looking for me? Just the thought of Lotor sent shivers through my body, and pain through my stomach.

I heard the marching of Galra troops behind me, and sped up my pace. I heard more troops marching in front, and all around me. They had found me.

I backed into the wall behind me and slid down it. The troops came all around me, and all I did was sit there, holding my broken wrist close to my lurching stomach.

Lotor came out of the group of Galra troops. He walked right up to me and picked me up by my hair.

" Ack!" Was all I could manage as he threw me to the ground.

" Thought you could escape? As if, your going to die on this ship, and it will be me killing you," Lotor said as he began to grind his foot against my unharmed wrist.

He stopped when he noticed my other wrist was in bad shape. Lotor slid his arms under me and picked me up, gently.

" Back to your stations, we're expecting a guest soon, and we want to make them as welcome as they can be," Lotor ordered the troops, and they scattered.

" L-Lance?" Was all I could say, hoping he was coming.

Lotor looked down at me, with an angered face. His grip became tighter and crushed my side against his chest, making my stomach groan.

" Seems you're having trouble," He smirked down at me, happy with himself. I furrowed my brows, making a menacing face at him, but my ability to show any expression other than pain was hard.

Lotor walked down the hallways, turning unexpectable many times until we were standing in front of a large door. He walked in, showing a room with a bed placed in the middle. He walked me over to it and placed me down. The bed creaked as he leaned over me to grab chains that attached to the beds headboard.

He was offering me an opening to hit him. I lifted my hand and curled it into a fist, but right before I flung it into his stomach he had caught it and chained it down. He hesitated when he came to my broken wrist, but grabbed it harshly and twisted it in the opposite direction I had broken it. I felt the crack vibrate through my body, but the pain from it was gone, until it was chained up like my other wrist.

Lotor looked down at me as I breathed heavily trying to distract myself from the harsh way he had just helped me.

" Hmmm....There's other types of punishment I could do to you," He whispered to me as he placed his hand on the side of my cheek, but I shook him off.

" Fuck off...perv," I managed to say before he placed something over my mouth. I tried to spit it out but it was impossible.

His hands slid all over my body trying to consume me, but before he slipped them under my shirt the alarm went off.

Lotor sat up.

" Finally your little friend has come to save you...if only they had come a little later," He said before sitting up and exiting the room.

" Mmmf," I tried spitting out the gag again, but it was impossible.

Lance...was he here?....please someone save me.

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