Chapter 12 - Keith

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TURN BACK NOW!!! There's some sexual violence up ahead, please don't be offended and TURN BACK if you don't want to read such things. This is my very first wattpad story, this is my very first " sexual story " so this is new and I'm probably bad at it. Thank you for all the support till now and be sure to yell at Lotor for me!!
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Lotor's large hands held mine behind my back as we quickly stomped down the halls. His grip was increasing with each stride he took. I had to walk two quick steps to match one of his, or else he might run me over completely.

" Move faster!" He grunted above me making me shudder with fear.

" Stop! What do you want? I have nothing for you!" I yelled as I turned my head to face Lotor, but was met with his eyes that seemed to glare straight through me.

" Don't look at me, disgusting!" I flinched at that word, not knowing why he was so angry.

Lotor took a sudden turn, and almost smashed me into the wall before the door slid open and he threw me inside. I hit the cold ground, feeling my bones mash together at the strong impact.

I started to lift myself off the ground, but I felt Lotor's body push me back down.

I was lying on my stomach with Lotor above me holding down my hands by their wrists. I had taken self-defense so I was prepared for this type of situation, but Lotor was such a large man that it made it a little more difficult.

I rammed my head up into Lotor's jaw making him lessen his grip, then yanked my hand from his grasp and rammed my elbow into his stomach. At this point Lotor was withering with pain and I was on my back beginning to scoot out of his reach.

" Pffft! HAHAHA! Your so small it makes all your attempts futile," Lotor reached over to me and grabbed my ankle, dragging me towards him quickly.

I was once again pinned underneath Lotor, but with no loose limbs to attack him with. I tried squirming out of Lotor's grasp, but he only held onto me tighter making me feel like my skin was being crushed against my bones.

" L-Lotor stop this!" I yelled up at him, but he just looked down at me like I was a toy. I began to grind my teeth together, trying to take my mind off the situation.

Lotor started to shift his position by pinning both my hands above me with one of his larger hands. He brought his other hand down to my face and pulled my hair out of my face and yanked it.

" Ow!" I yelled as he kept adding additional force to his pulling. I thought he was going to pull off my scalp until he released my hair above my head.

" Stop.." I almost whispered as I tried to get used to the pain coming from my head.

Lotor slid his hand to the side of my face, but then he began to shift his position again. Lotor let go of my hands and swiftly pulled me up onto his lap. I put my hands onto Lotor's arms, trying to keep a distance from him, but he was stronger than me and kept pulling me closer with such a force, resisting was almost sad.

I felt Lotor's hand tangle itself in my hair and pull me into him. His lips were on mine making me feel like I was gonna die. Lotor's teeth bit my lip.

" Ow-" I began but his tounge pushed into my mouth making me grip onto his arms harshly, hoping he would pull away soon before I suffocated.

Lotor's tounge sucked on my own, but I bit down onto it. He pulled out, but slowly as if nothing had happened and looked me in the eyes. I flinched, seeing something there that wasn't anger, I didn't know what it was but I did know that something was going to happen to me.

I lifted my hand up and slugged Lotor in the face. I fell to the ground, landing on my butt with a thud. I turned over so I could stand up, but Lotor got back on top of me.

" You're a real pain, you know that?" Lotor pushed me down to the ground roughly, making me move my head sideways so that my face wouldn't be crushed.

Lotor's hand slid down my back and rested on my side, until he lifted my shirt up. I felt his skin touch mine as he began to grope me.

" Lotor stop This!" I screamed, hoping it would scare him a little but he only chuckled and continued.

" Stop talking, you're annoying," Lotor slid a cloth into my mouth, making me gag but it didn't help my situation.

Lotor brought his other hand down to my thigh, making me begin to tremble. He slid his hand into my pants and pulled them off.

" Mmmf!!" I turned my head to face Lotor, showing him my scared expression as I continued to shake.

" Don't look at me like that, you'll be fine. I'll try to be gentle, but we'll see what happens," Lotor whispered in my ear as he pushed his body against mine. Lotor's hand pulled the back of my hair making my head yank up.

I felt Lotor's hand begin to pull at my underwear. I tried kicking and hitting Lotor, but all he did was place his large legs on top of mine to hold them down while he continued.

He dropped my hair and began to run his hand into my shirt again.

Lotor suddenly stopped when he felt the ship jerk a little, what was that? Lotor ignored it and continued quickly.

His hands groped my butt from outside my underwear, causing shivers to go through my spine. Why did this feel so bad? Why was he doing this to me?

Lotor slid his hand down my underwear, making direct contact with my sensitive skin.

" Nnnf!!!" I tried spitting out the rag once again, but Lotor had shoved it in so deep that I couldn't do anything about it.

" I must prepare you first," Lotor's hot breath brushed against my unprotected neck, making me clench my hands. Lotor began to grip my butt, squeezing then letting go, like he was testing the waters.

" Mnnn!" I bit down in the rag and clenched my eyes shut as tears began to form. I didn't want this, please someone help me! Lance!

" Okay...this might hurt at first, but you'll get used to it," Lotor explained with a hoarse breath. Suddenly a sharp pain ran through my insides, lighting a fire that burned me up.

I turned my head to face Lotor. Tears had began to run down my face, and from Lotor's expression he seemed to enjoy it.

" Don't worry, it'll feel good soon," He whispered in my ear before moving his finger inside me. I screamed into the cloth, feeling his finger begin to probe inside me. It felt disgusting, making my organs begin to clench up. Lotor started to move faster, and I started to droop my head.

" Now let's see how this is going," Lotor reached up to my face and pulled the cloth out. I couldn't hold back and began to scream at the pain as saliva dripped down my chin.

" ST-STOP!! LOTOR!!" I screamed as I tried to get away, but ended up collapsing on the ground. Lotor lifted my butt so he could do as he wished while I suffered underneath him.

The door in front of me suddenly slid open. I tried to lift my head up high enough to see who it was. The brightness cast a shadow on were the person was standing but my eyes soon adjusted.

" L-Lance save me, please," I said as I reached my hand out to where he was standing.

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