The Night I Died

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Kara's POV

Reign was holding me over the side of a building and dropped me as I was falling I looked up at the stars and said a silent prayer.

In a whisper"Rao I accept my death and as I die may my journey be short and painless and let my soul join you in the light, let my friends and the people of earth gain strength in there hearts as they remember me, may my friends have courage for the years that lay ahead of them, may they prosper and tha..."

I was unable to finish as the darkness took over me.

I could see only darkness then it faded away I was standing in the DEO medical room I saw Alex standing next to a gurney holding a someone's limp hand and crying on the body's shoulder I ran up to her, wanting to comfort her I place my hand on her back.

"Alex don't worry I'm right here."
I remove my hand from Alex's back and walk around her to see who the person was she was crying for.

I froze the second I saw who was lying there. Right in front of me was me, but not me? Alex wouldn't cry like that if it wasn't me so why am I standing here but my body's there? In that moment Winn came and running right through me to comfort Alex, I stare into the distance my face full of shock realising what's happening.

"Am I dead! Oh Rao! Has my life really ended?" I look behind me to see J'onn walking into the room with a sad expression on his face followed by Mon-El and Imra. I hug myself as I look at my friends mourning for my death feeling like I myself want to mourn for my own death.

"Is this how it's going to be from now on? I thought it would be much more welcoming but it seems so lonely." I hug myself tighter as I take in what I just said.

Then out of nowhere a light came shining from behind me.

"Kara Zor-El." Said a deep voice.

Startled I spun around trying to spot who had just spoken to me I had to squint to be able to see as the voice was coming from the light. It was like some kind of spirit I've never seen anything like before in my life Well I didn't really live that long if really am dead, my memory is a bit foggy of before I became like this so maybe I did die or maybe I'm in a coma and it's just a dream...but back to where I was.

"Who was that and how do you know my name?" I ask moving into my battle stance

The voice spoke again." There is no need to be afraid for I am Rao and I know your name for I know all."

I lower my arms as I look at the light.
"Is this a dream or am I really dead?"

"No this is not a dream for you have died."

I nod my head as I take in what he told me.
"If I'm dead then why am I here and not In your light?"

"Well that's why I came here to take you back with me."

The light started shining brighter that I had to squint even more to be able to see anything.

"Wait so I'm not there yet?"

"Yes like i said that's why I'm here to bring you to my kingdom of light."A makeshift arm emerged from the light and held out it's hand.

"Come Kara Zor-El take my hand and let me take you to your new home."

I took his hand and let him lead me to the entrance before I stepped into my new "life" I took one last glance at all my friends.
"Good bye everyone thank you for being there for me I have to leave for it's time for me to start anew but I hope you all understand that this is for the better."
With my farewell said I walked into the light smiling as I felt the warmth of his light.

Hey guys hoped you enjoyed this chapter and I'm so sorry it's so short, I'll try to make the next chapter longer.
Please leave a comment of what you think. Thank you! Tomorrow I'll post the next chapter and then on Sunday I'll post the other one.

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