Settling In With Pizza And Netflix

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Hey guys like I said in my other book the reason why I updated the story so late was because I had writers block and struggled to continue but thank you Enduringlife for helping me get other it and for helping me write these chapters.
Enjoy :)

Kara's POV

Alex has decided to let us stay at her apartment till we can my old apartment ready for us to live in. She also gave us some more casual clothes to wear, we have decided to watch some Netflix and order pizza and potstickers for the night. Oh how I missed the tast of potstickers and pizza there really is nothing better in the whole universe and heaven, coming from an Alien that is also a goddess!
I'm brought from my thoughts when I hear a knock on the door.

"Kara can you get that?!" Calls Alex from her bedroom. "Oh and just remember to put glasses on or something, we don't want him thinking that Supergirl has somehow come back to life just yet!"

I just grab Alex's pair of sunglasses that were laying on her counter and put them on, on my way to the door.
I open the door and it reveals the pizza guy waiting outside holding four boxes of pizza in his hands and four other boxes placed next to him on the ground.

"HI! oh let me help you."I say bending down to pick up the other four boxes.

I pick them up a little to fast that the sunglasses fall off onto the ground.

I just freeze not knowing what to do next. A beat passes by before I look at the young man that has delivered the pizza, He looks straight at me his eyes widened. I don't know what to do. What do I say I think to myself bending down and picking up the pair of sunglasses that I was wearing mere minutes ago.

I try to think up an excuse but my mind blanks. He just looks at me, he opens and closes his mouth to say something but no words come out.

Finally he finds his voice. As he opens his mouth, my heart starts to race. I'm done for I think. He begins to talk "Sorry you just look so...... wow.. beautiful I just lose my words looking at you"

I feel the blush creeping up my neck at what he's said and I just look down at the pizza boxes in my hands and thank him."Oh..ugh thank you."

"Kara who's it?!" asks Gwen from where she's sitting on the couch browsing through Netflix to find something to watch on the TV.

"Oh it's just the pizza delivery guy!" I answer over my shoulder.

"Umm you can just place the pizzas here on the table." I tell him walking up to the mentioned table and placing the boxes I were carrying on it. He just nods his head and just mimics my actions placing the boxes he was carrying next to mine on the table, I grab Alex's purse that she said I could take money from and take out the money needed to pay him, with a tip.

I hand him the money and show him out, he stops outside the door and faces me."I hope to see you again someday." he says a smile on his face.

"I hope so too." I reply not wanting to sound rude looking down at my hands before looking back at him, he was staring at me again.

He snaps out of it and brings his hand up to rub the back of his neck a blush painting his cheeks. "Oh sorry again, I can't seem to help myself, it's like staring at a goddess." he apologizes.

I guess that's because I am a goddess. I say mentally to myself. "Well thank you, goodnight." I say in the kindest way possible, closing the door as he nods his head and starts walking away.

"Soooo... I see someone has a crush on you. Glad he didn't notice you were supergirl." Alex remarks unexpectedly making me jump with fright, a teasing smirk covering her face.

"I'm just glad he left, I don't think I'm ready for a romantic relationship yet." I tell Alex while opening the nearest pizza box.

Gwen practically jumped off the couch and came and stood next to me. "Ohhhhhhhhh what kind of pizzas do we have?" She asks peaking into the pizza boxes nearest to her.

"When did Maggie say she'd be here?"I ask taking a slice of pizza before taking a bite out of it.

"Are you asking for the concern of her or because she's bringing the potstickers?" Asks Alex eyeing me suspiciously.

I was about to answer but I was stopped by the door swinging open.

"I'm back and I've brought potstickers, ice-cream and vegan ice-cream!" Announces Maggie from where she was standing at the door.

"Finally!" I exclaim playfully upset with how long she took.

Maggie flashes one of her famous dimpled smiles at me placing the desserts on the table."Ok we've got everything now we just need a movie then we're good to go relax." She says more serious but still happily.

"So what pizza do he have?" asked Maggie now just as curious as Gwen.

"What kind of question is that?!" I exclaim. "We have one of each of course."

"I call dibs on the first slice of the pepperoni one!!" I hear someone call from behind me, Alex.

I open my box, nice and hot. It was probably best to wait for everyone but the smell was tooo captivating, there was nothing I could do. My mind and mouth had already decide the pizzas fate.

Oh screw that! I think grabbing another slice of pizza and taking a bite.

"Oh my Rao! I've forgotten how good pizza tastes!" Gwen says walking to the couch and sitting down before taking another bite of her slice of pizza.

I follow the younger woman and sit down next to her my legs crossed.

"When was the last time you've eaten pizza?" Maggie asks Gwen, holding a pizza in her hand and taking a seat on the other couch Alex was sitting on now.

"Umm... I think it was January 2015." Gwen answered before grabbing another pizza slice.

"Wow! Why'd ya stop eating it?" Alex asks earning a elbow to the ribs from Maggie.

"Well you see I was kidnapped February by Cadmus, and was kept there for a year until I died." Gwen answers her gaze far away as if remembering something.
I place my hand on her knee trying to comfort her.

"Well OK, I have one question. How are you two here if you both died?!" The agent asks waving her slice of pizza at us.

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