Grieving And Caring

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This happened before Maggie came back to comfort Alex, sorry if it seems confusing.

Lena's POV

My heart ached when I heard Supergirl has fought her final battle and taken her last breath but my heart broke when I heard that Supergirl was Kara.

For the first four days I struggled to sleep but at least was able to mask most of my emotions but on the fifth day I broke, it was 12:49 I was sitting at my desk going through some papers when an alarm on my phone went off.

I picked the phone up and it showed a selfie that Kara and I took at Noonans above it was the alarm's title, lunch with Kara.

I raise my hand to cover my mouth as tears start streaming down my face

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I raise my hand to cover my mouth as tears start streaming down my face.
"I was supposed to have lunch with Kara today." I say my voice sounding haorse and muffled through my now trembling fingers.

I place my phone back on my desk as I take a deep breath trying to calm down but failing miserably as I start crying. She's gone, my only ray of sunshine now gone.

Winn's POV

I'm in the Catco elevator on my way to Lena's office to ask her if she wants to go get some lunch.

She's taken the news that Kara died very well but I know that she's actually in pain.
Kara was her first best friend that always believed in her, but that's what I'm doing here, to be the friend that she needs.

The elevator stops and I walk out, I wave at the familiar faces of the people that work here as I walk by their desks.

I come closer to Lena's office and smile at Eve as she looks up at me from her desk.

"HI, is Lena here?" I ask as she gets up and walks around her desk to me.

"Yes she's here but I don't think she can see you now."

"Why not? Is she ok?" I ask concern flooding my voice.

"I think she's ok she fell asleep on her desk 15 minutes ago after crying for awhile." Eve says looking at me as if asking me what's wrong.

"She must be exhausted" I say Finally looking through Lena's glass office door seeing her resting her head on her arms on the desk fast asleep.

"Yeah, she seemed kinda off these last few days." Eve says as she looks at Lena.

"Maybe I should take her home so she could rest." I suggest quietly walking into Lena's office.

"That's a good idea. Should I ring for her car?" she asks taking out her phone.

"Yes please. Oh and where's James?" I ask standing next Lena.

"He left yesterday on a business trip to Metropolis."
Eve says dialing a number on her phone.

I don't want to wake Lena but I have to get her to the car I guess I have only one choice, I hesitate before I lean down and gently pick Lena up bridle style her head leaning on my shoulder. Wow I didn't know I was this strong.

Eve stares at me with awe as I walk to her carrying Lena in my arms.

"The car will be here in about two minutes." She says holding up two fingers emphasizing what she said.

"Can you hand me Lena's purse?" I ask nodding my head to Lena's purse sitting next to Lena's desk.

"Oh of course." she says rushing to grab Lena's purse then coming back holding it out to hand it to me, I attempte to reach with my one hand to take it only for her to pull back the purse and playfully frown at me.

"No don't worry I'll hold on to it until your able to use both your hands." she says her playful frown morphing into a playful smile.

"Thank you."I say as I started walking into the private elevator Eve following close behind.

In the elevator I try to adjust my arms into comfortable position while also trying not to wake Lena.

"Winn?" Lena asks half asleep slightly tilting her head in confusion.

"Shhhh, it's okay I'm taking you home." I say comforting Lena causing her to cuddle into my shoulder drifting back to sleep.

"Awwwww." Eve quietly coos.

"You two would make such a cute couple." She whispers to me.

I feel my face heat up at her statement. As I stare at the elevator doors.
The elevator stops and I walk out the doors as they open, one of security members start rushing to me as he see's Lena sleeping in my arms worried that she might be hurt.

"Sir is Ms Luther okay?" the man asks.

"Don't worry she's alright." I reassure him carrying Lena out of building to the car that was waiting for us, I gently place her in the back seat and turn around to face Eve as she handed me Lena's purse.

"You take care of our boss ok."

"I will, and thank you for helping me." I hug her before I climb in the car next to Lena and close the door.

The diver starts the car and drives us to Lena's house.

I should have said it earlier that I'm a Linn shipper but I didn't. I tried to add something for the supercorp shippers but like I said I tried, and please don't take offense I like supercorp but I prefer Linn.
Please leave a comment of who you guys think I ship Kara with?

Ps. Sorry that I posted the chapter so late, I was out with my family doing family stuff so I wasn't able to post it until now.

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