Ending, Beginning Or Both?

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Kara's P.O.V

It's been 8 weeks since the conversation Alex(Cruz) and I had at the garden of windows of life, they really should get a better name for that place but anyway that feeling of being incomplete still hasn't let me be. I'm now on my way to Rao's throne room, I'm going to ask him why I feel this way. I turned a corner and walked to the big door that separated this hall from his throne room the guards immediately opened the door and bowed when they noticed me coming.
"Thank you." I say with a nod of approval.

I walk in and look at the God sitting on his throne smiling at me.
"And what brings my ray of sunshine here?" he asks with a broad smile.

"Just a strange feeling, nothing really important." I reply walking to him.

"And what may that strange feeling be?" he asks with much interest ignoring the importance of it.

"I don't know what it really is, but it feels like there's something more that I have to do,on...on earth. Alex feels it too. " I look down at my hands fiddling them.

"Ah yes, I see. Your feelings are a sign."

"A sign of what?" I ask interested in what it might be.

"It is a sign that your journey has not ended."

Hi guys again sorry for the short chapter i really struggled writing it with this headache/migraine that still hasn't left me since the previous night so I apologize for any mistakes, hope you enjoyed it. And please leave a comment on your thoughts and a vote if you enjoyed it. Until next weekend BYE! :3

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