Wondering Where You Are

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Hey guys! Back again with another chapter hope you like it.

Alex's POV

I wake up to a dim light peeking through the curtains. I was laying in an very comfortable but unfamiliar bed, the room was large and decorated with things that looked like they cost almost more than what I own.

I attempt to climb out of bed and that's when reality hit me, my head was throbbing and it felt like I've been punched by superman. I was about to touch my head with my left hand when... "Arrggghhh!! " I screamed as an painful sensation went through my arm.

At that moment someone came rushing into the room but I didn't notice it as the pain and confusion distracted me.

"What happened last night?" I asked myself frozen in place afraid I might discover a new injury if I moved.

"You were in a car accident." Says a feminine voice from right next to me, causing me to startle as I practically jumped away from where the voice came from.

My vision was still blurry I couldn't see much. Maybe I just imagined a voice. I think to myself slowly sitting up as to not set off the pains in my head.

I rub my arm as I feel a slight itch when I find bandages wrapped around my arm. I don't see much in the spot other than a bit of red.

"You should lay down your not healed yet." the voice says clear as day this time freaking me out once again.

My reflexes jump me to the side from the fright getting off this intense pain in my head again.

My vision starts clearing and I see a feminine figure standing by the other side of the bed. Finally the blur vanishes and reveals the face of the one and only Lena Luthor though she had a few cuts that didn't look to have been there for long along her right jawline, temple and eyebrow.

"Lena? What's going on?" I ask staring confusingly at her.

"Alex.. Last night you were walking out in the streets of National City, you weren't at all in your right mind... You were just wandering around the city but then you stepped on to the road and that's when it happened.." She says looking down at my bandaged arm.

"What happened?" I ask curiously.

"The accident... I was driving my car on my way home when you stepped onto the road and walked right in front of me, luckily neither of us died." She says trying to brighten the mood.

(Meanwhile in the sky's of the city.)

Kara's POV

I race through the clouds scanning the whole city for any signs of Alex.

I've been searching for hours.. Yet nothing.. Maybe underground. I think to myself."Aggh if only I knew when and where she went." I say letting out a small grunt of frustration.

"Alex.. Where can you be?" I ask knowing no one heard me.

(Back at Lena’s apartment)

Alex's POV

"Wait! You're telling me that I caused both of us to be in a car accident?!" I ask shocked at the news.

"Well.. I don't think it was you.. When they sent you to the hospital you kept rambling about Kara being alive.. And that they should hide her somewhere safe from the Discord... I don't think you were yourself." Lena says before she sits down on the bed and pats on a spot next to her signaling for me to sit there and I do so.

"Thankfully you weren't too injured so they let you go.. And I then took you to my apartment so you could rest and because it didn't seem like the best idea to leave you alone."She says with a kind smile.

I'm feeling alot better my head no longer pains most of the time atleast. I turn on the news when the tv starts to talk about some mysterious being that has saved the lives of some people last night.

At that Moment Lena comes walking into the room carrying a cup of coffee in her hand, wearing one of her CEO outfits.

"Oh have you heard? There seems to be a new superhero in National City." She says taking a seat next to me on the couch.

"Oh really?" I ask curiously.

"We need a new hero, you know with everyhing that has happend. Trust me I know crime rates are off the charts, this city is becoming a land of outlaws and  criminals, let's hope this new hero can save what's left of the city maybe even bring it back from the trench it's been in ever since supergirl.." Lena says in hope.

My eyes widen as I finally remembered about the last few days. "Kara is alive and she is the new hero..." I say in just above a whisper not knowing that I said that out loud.

"Alex.. Kara is gone.. She's been gone for almost a year.." Lena says but I was so distracted with my thoughts that I didn't hear her.

"I have to let Kara know where I am!" I exclaim jumping up to my feet to look for my phone but in just stand there as I realize that I had no idea where it is.

"Alex! Alex! Listen to me! You had a terrible accident last night, so your mind isn't one hundred percent at the moment." Lena says taking my wrist and bringing her other hand up to caress my cheek and make me look her in the eyes.

"But she's here. Alive.. We talked last night.. She told my what heaven was like..." I say as tears started running down my cheeks. Was it all just a dream? I ask myself in my thoughts.

"I'm so sorry for breaking you from this dream but I'm afraid it was only gonna hurt you more.." Lena says giving me a hug and I immediately accept it.

"Can-May I call J'onn with your phone?" I ask her pulling away from the hug.

"Of course." Lena says with a comforting smile before she leaves to fetch her phone.

J'onn's POV

I'm sitting down at the desk in the main room of the DEO it's been hard, especially for Kara she hasn't stopped searching since she found out Alex is missing I'm struggling to get her to rest sometimes. My thinking gets interrupted by my pocket vibrating. It was my phone but an unknown number was calling I eventually answer after studying the number for a few rings.

"Hello, with who am I speaking?" I ask curious for who it is. When a familiar voice brings a smile to my face, I sigh In Relief.

"Alex you have no idea how happy I am to hear you again. Where have u been? We have been worried sick."

"I've been in a accident but I'm fine, Lena took care of me when I was unconscious, I'm using her phone to call you" Alex replies explaining.

"That's a relief just.. just wait give me a min." I put the call on hold and try call Kara but the phone rings and rings. Then she finally answers.

"Hi this is Kara I.." I interrupt but soon realize it was a voice mail when she keeps talking." I can't come to the phone right now unless you have potstickers. She still had the same voicemail she had since before she died, I couldn't believe it when I heard that they kept Kara's phone in a volt when we were looking for some of her belongings when we tried to settle Kara back in after she woke up.

Please leave a vote if you liked this chapter and a comment on your thoughts and what you guys would like to see in future chapters. Until next time peace!

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