There's Never Really Time To Rest.

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Hey guys I apologize for the late update again I have no proper reason why sooo... Yeah. Hope you like this chapter.

Kara's POV

I slump back onto the couch with a barely audible thud my face flustered with embarrassment.

"I should've showed them my badge so that they would have let us be." Remarked Alex jokingly.

"I could've done the same."Replied Maggie playing along.

"Well I could've just controlled there minds with my new powers." I exclaim sitting a bit more straight pretending to look high and mighty.

Both Alex and Maggie just stare at me their faces full of surprise their eyes wide open, almost the size of large marbles.

"You can do that?!" Asked Maggie seconds before Alex. "Wait.... You have new powers?!"

I realize what I had just said and I instantly regret it knowing very well now what I would have to do.
"Oh ye I didn't really tell you did I. " I say preparing myself knowing I have to explain.

"OK take a seat and just dont freak out OK" I say "OK so basicly when I died I was granted even better powers than when I was once alive and I kept those when he let me back to earth and yea mind control was one." I say hoping it wasn't too complicated. But all I get in return is blank faces staring back at me.

The silence stays for a moment before Alex breaks it with questions. "Other powers like what?!" she asks with interest.

"Ummm.... We both are psychics now and can control minds of other beings, our original powers are much stronger than before we were in his light and the other powers....... We haven't discovered what our other powers are yet." I respond calmly while taking the last slice of pizza.

"So your telling me that you guys are pretty much the most powerful beings now but you still aren't the best you can be yet?" Alex asked ending with a sigh.

"Pretty much." Replies Gwen from where she was sitting cross legged on the floor next to the couch I was sitting on.

It takes some time for them to process what I had said. There was silence for a while till Alex jumps up. "The potstickers are getting cold, you guys can sit in silence but I'm gonna eat" she says sarcastically.

( time skip to later that night )

I lay there under cozy blankets next to a sleeping Gwen on a extra double bed mattress that Alex got from the DEO, Maggie was deep in sleep, sleeping on one of the couches and Alex in her bed. Alex didn't want to sleep there at first but with much convincing we got her to. I can't believe I'm back. I can't believe that I'm sleeping in Alex's apartment.

I lay there wide awake unable to fall asleep as thoughts were invading my mind. I wonder how Lena is doing and Winn and James and Clark and Cat grant and even Lucy. All of them still thinking that I'm dead.

I sit up and try to crawl off the bed as quietly as possible not to wake Gwen or Maggie. Once I've finally gotten out of bed I walk to the large glass slid doors that led to the balcony, I quietly open the door and walk out onto the balcony the bright lights of the city painting the night sky with colors as it shines before my eyes.

I then lift myself of the ground and fly off the balcony into the city.

I smile as I take in a nice deep breath of the night air the breeze of me flying gently playing with me hair.

Suddenly my super hearing picks up screams from a nearby construction site. On impulse I fly off as fast as I can. To find a man hanging off a unfinished building. Just before I make my move I notice in the corner of my eye. A guy with a gun pointing at civilians. There was a robbery right across the road. "I don't know what to do. Save the one not the other? No there has to be another way." I think to myself.

I then decide to take on the robbery first it's not like the other man is going to go anywhere.

I quickly fly down to the robbers and use my superspeed to stop the bullets from killing the people. The robbers just stand there their faces expressing shock at the sight of what I just did, one of them breaks through the daze and attacks me he throws a punch at me and it hits me in the shoulder but I just stand there unfazed by the impact as the man grabs his hand and screams out in pain as the other robber deciding that now was a great time to try and escape ran. I was about to run after him when I hear the other man that was hanging from the building scream as he starts falling I again I was split in two when all of a sudden time froze and I hear a familiar voice.

"Kara." Says the voice which I recognize as Rao's.

"Rao? What should I do?" I ask him.

"Kara use your new telekinetic powers to stop the thief from getting away and to save the man from falling." He says before time unfreezes and I'm brought back to reality.

I've never used that power before, technically I've never had that power before... I think to myself too worried to tell Rao that. I close my eyes and focus I try imagine myself doing it. Hoping that will help. I open my eyes again to find two floating men in front of me the robber dangling in the sky along side the the builder. In panic I stop thinking about it and they both fall a little before hitting the ground not high enough to cause wounds.

Suddenly loud police sirens could be heard coming closer and closer. Without thinking I superspeed into a alley.

I lean against the wall of the alley hoping no one saw who I was. I stand there for a while trying to calm my breathing before I fly out of the alley back to Alex's apartment.

I quietly land on the balcony and pad into the living room where the others were sleeping glad that one of them haven't woken while I was away.

I was about to climb back in bed next to Gwen when I hear a voice from behind me.

"Needed some air?"

I spin around to check who it was but it was just Alex. She was leaning against her bedroom door frame arms folded over her chest.

"Yeah I couldn't fall asleep." I reply sitting down on the mattress.

"I feel like doing the same." She says lowering her head.

"Why are you up?" I ask her.

"I just had some kind of vision but I can't seem to remember it." She answers.

Hey guys I'm maybe gonna take a break with this story for awhile. I'm telling you this cause I want you guys to tell me if I should continue or not.

Please let me know in the comments if I should and leave a vote if you liked it.
Thank you.

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