Coming Back

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Sorry for posting so late I was going to post it on Sunday but wasn't able to because of a sudden change of schedule, then the WiFi went off when I tried to post it earlier today. But it's here so enjoy!

Kara's POV

I hear muffled voices as I feel myself starting to wake up.

"How?" I hear a familiar feminine voice say.

I open my eyes to see who it is but was greeted with bright lights causing me to wince while I shut my eyes at the discomfort of the light's brightness. I hear shuffling before a gentle hand wraps around my hand.

"Kara?" says the same feminine voice more clearly than before. A moment passes before I recognize who's voice it is.

"A.. Alex?" I try to speak my voice sounding haorse, I attempt to open my eyes again expecting to see the light again but instead I see my sister holding my hand standing beside the bed I'm laying on.

"Yes Kara, it's me. It's me Alex." She confirms her voice filled with relief and her eyes staring lovingly at me. Maybe because I'm alive or because I remember her.

I smile at Alex happy to see my sister again. I then notice movement behind Alex and avert my gaze to Maggie standing behind Alex.

"Hey Maggie, I see you've come back." I say playfully.

She comes closer to stand next to Alex and says. "Hey little Danvers I see you've come back as well."

"Is it... Is it really you?" Alex asks her expression sad but hopeful.

"It's me Alex. It's really me." I Laugh with happiness. If I was her I would have asked as well.

"But how? You died I've seen you die, and then sent away in your coffin. How are you here?" Alex asks grasping my hand tighter.

"Alex you might not believe me but yes I did die and yes that was my body that you placed in the coffin.

"but how are you here? In your body? And why did you appear after dimensional breach opened?" The Agent asks peppering me with questions.

"Woah slow down babe let little Danvers rest she just came from the unknown." Comforts Maggie as she trys to calm Alex.

(One hour Time skip)

Kara's POV

Alex and I have been catching up on what happened while I was gone and by catching up I mean Alex telling me what happened while I was gone.
Some of it I knew some of it I didn't, guess it's one of the perks of being in heaven.

"So who is she?" Alex asks pointing her finger to the unconscious woman on the other bed.

"Oh that is Gwen she came with me. She's really nice." I answer Alex's question smiling in the direction of Gwen.

"Why hasn't she woken up yet?" asks Maggie from behind Alex.

"Well you see after traveling through a very powerful dimensional breach you will feel tired and besides unconsciousness is like sleeping you wake up when your body feels ready to wake up." I answer smiling widely happy that I sounded smart at saying that.

"You can also wake up when your alarm  goes off early in the morning." Alex's adds playfully a evil smirk plastered on her face.

"No! We are not going to wake her! How could you even think of that?!" I exclam angrily with a hint of angry laughter.

"Oh boy, the Danvers sisters at it again!" Remarks Maggie with her famous smirk, You could see she trying not to laugh at our actions. But I just shot her a playful glare.

"Kara? Did we make it?" Asks a voice from the bed next to me.

I immediately jump out the bed I was in and rush to Gwen's side to greet her. "Hello there sleepy head." I say smiling widely at her. "and Yes we made it. We're here!" I say gesturing to pretty much everywhere.

Alex snorts behind me but instantly covers it with a cough as I shoot a glare at her over my shoulder.

"Maggie come meet Gwen." I say trying to make Alex jealous.

Maggie rushes to my side playing along.

"Maggie meet Gwen. Gwen meet Maggie. There now you know each other, Fun right?" they each exchange a wave and a smile as I introduce them. Alex just crosses her arms and glares at me for not introducing her first.

"And Gwen meet Alex my sister." I say gesturing for Alex to come forward, she does, I place my hand on her shoulder once she stands next to me at first she flinches at my touch but relaxes after a few seconds.

Alex looks at me and smiles before her gaze shifts to my body I follow her gaze and look down at my clothes, I was wearing my silk goddess dress with a golden neckline, golden bracelets and a golden belt that was made of acctaul gold. I guess she finally noticed what I was wearing.

"What are you wearing?" she asks taking a step back to see the full view."Did you come in that?"

"Oh this pshtt it's nothing really." I say trying to avoid needing to answer.
Oh Rao, I'll have to explain to her sooner or later.

Sorry for the short chapter and sorry for ending with a cliffhanger. Please leave a comment on your thoughts and a vote if you liked this chapter.

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