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This time I don't have any excuses for posting late except for being lazy.
Hope you enjoy this short chapter.

Alex's POV

I was at home cuddled up with Maggie on my couch watching TV, Just enjoying the detective's presence. When all of a sudden the power goes off, and then comes back on just seconds later.

"That was weird." Maggie says now sitting up right.

We sit there in silence contemplating what just happened.

Suddenly my phone starts ringing causing Maggie and I to jump with fright at the sudden noise.

"It's probably J'onn." I say grabbing my phone to answer it. "J'onn?"

"Alex come here Immediately." J'onn commands ending the call not even giving me time to ask what's going on.

I stand up from the couch and grab my jacket along with Maggie's.

"To the DEO?" she asks taking her jacket as I hand it to her.

I nod my head to confirm her question as I pull my jacket over my shoulders walking to the door.

Maggie glances at the window before she follows me to the door.

(At the DEO)

Alex's POV

I rush to where J'onn was standing waiting for me, his neutral expression changing to a mix of confusion and joy once he sees Maggie close behind me but once we reach him it shifts to one of pain.

"J'onn what was that?" I ask hoping to change the subject to something lighter.

"The short black out we had earlier was caused by some kind of high energied dimensional breach, we've never seen anything like it. But that's not why I called you." he says lowering his head looking in the direction of the medical bay.

"Follow me." he says gesturing where he's headed.

I glance at Maggie before I follow J'onn.

He stops walking then looks at me. "Before we go in I think it would be best for you to prepare yourself."

I oblige and take a deep breath before I nod at him to tell him I'm ready.

He turns and then opens the door revealing two women laying on beds connected to all kinds of wiring. I don't understand what's so important about two women... I stop dead in my tracks as I notice the face of the woman closest to me.

"Kara?" I say releasing a breath I didn't now I was holding.

"J'onn? Are you playing with me?" I ask struggling to hold back tears of seeing my sister.

"No." J'onn says shaking his head as an answer.

"Is she a doppelganger from another earth?" I ask hoping that it is true.

"We don't know yet, but it seems like it seeing that we found them at the place where the breach opened. And this Kara is barely effected by kryptonite though most of the DNA tests prove me wrong ." he says slightly shaking his head.
"I don't know why but I have a feeling it might be our Kara."

"How?" I ask staring at my sister's face as Maggie comforts me.

I thought I should let you know that I will now be posting only one chapter each weekend. (two if I'm in the mood.)

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