Time To Tell Em, With Some Music!

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This chapter was fun to write hope you like it. Enjoy

Kara's POV

"Well OK, I have one question. How are you two here if you both died?!" The agent asks waving her slice of pizza at us.

I choke on my slice of pizza once I registered what Alex just asked.

Maggie just jabs Alex in the ribs with her elbow again. "ow! What was that for?!" Alex asks Maggie sending her a grumpy glare but Maggie just ignores her and continues eating her pizza.

"Maggie it's okay, I have to tell you guys eventually so why not now rather than later?" I tell Maggie, not really excited about the conversation ahead.

I Look at Gwen to make sure that it's okay to tell them and she just nods her head as a confirmation.

"The reason why we're here is because our journeys haven't ended yet. Yes we died but we died for reasons, I died so that I could be made a goddess and so that I could get Gwen to take with me back to earth and she died so that she can escape Cadmus." I tell them hoping that it wasn't too confusing.

Alex just nods her head pretending to understand me but clearly not understanding."Wait your a goddess now?!" Alex asked surprised her eyes widening as she registered what I just told her.

The air is filled with silence. "Look you don't need to treat me any different I'm still the same heart and soul you once knew." I Say hoping they don't get all worshipy on me now.

"Yeah she never allowed me to even treat her as a higher ranked being unless she was joking around or in Rao's throne room." Gwen comments from where she was sitting trying to break the silence.

But the air goes quite again. "So what better way to clear the silence with some music!" I say in a cheerfull tone Gwen instantly agreed and rushed to the speakers. A snort sounds from where Maggie and Alex were sitting as Maggie's struggling to hide the smile.

"How does this work?!" Called Gwen from where she was standing next to the speakers. Her question breaking Maggie making Maggie burst out laughing causing Alex to almost laugh.

I just get up and rush to Gwen's side to help her with the music a smile on my face.

"So what ya guys wanna listen to?" I ask after turning the speakers on. "And no I'm not gonna put on some kind of metal stuff Alex."

Alex just rolls her eyes and grabs another slice of pizza.

"Have you ever heard of The Score's music?" Asked Maggie standing up from the couch to get herself something to drink.

"The Score? No I don't think I have... Are they a new band?" I ask looking for songs to listen to.

"Well not really, but their really good. My favorite is Legend." Maggie says from where she was standing pouring herself a glass of wine."Ohhh can you put that one on?"

"Sure why not." I say typing in the name and putting it on.

"Oh yeah that's it!" Maggie exclaims nodding her head along with the beat.

Soon enough there was laughter and joy on everyone's face as the music filled the air.
Then Maggie runs out the room it goes quiet for a bit. Suddenly she bursts back into the room holding up a microphone.

"You know what this means! " Maggie says with a chuckle as she plugs it into the speaker and turns up the volume singing on the top of her lungs.

Not long after there is a loud knock on the door. I decided to go get it quick as I mute the song leaving only Maggie's voice but she instantly stops in embarrassment but still hiding a smile her dimples showing clearly in the lighting. I open the door to find two policemen outside.

"Ma'am we've had several noise complaints in the past 20 min I'm going to have to ask you to turn down for the night." The officer says.

"Oh ummm... I'm so sorry we'll quiet down now." I say embarrassed that the police officers had to come.

"Yes thank you." Says the officer before greeting us goodbye and walking away.

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