Chapter 1

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Aquars just debut like a month ago, we've been along with some other groups such as Red Velvet, Twice, SVT, and EXO and other more, after the debut we gotten so much fans and we didn't even expect this.

I woke up by my alarm, I groan and hit the alarm clock, I got up and lazily went to the bathroom to get cleaned!

After a shower, went downstairs and I was just wearing comfortable clothes since we just have practice and nothing more. I got some toast and put it inside my mouth. Of course where do toast go to?

After eating the toast, I went back upstairs to brush my teeth, don't wanna get cavities or bacterias! After that I put on my shoes!

"Yah, Unnie let's go before the Manager scold us for being late again" TaeYeon said, yes we always get scolded because of being late.

"Let's go" I said and went in to the car, I grab my earphones at my bad and stab it inside my phone and listen to some music. I felt tired so I'm going to freaking sleep! No one is gonna stop me!

Time skip

I felt someone shaking me non-stop! I open my eyes and saw YooNa. I take off my earphones that was in my ears

"Get out of the car and let's go to the practice room" YooNa said

I lazily got out of the car and went in the building, we went to our practice room. We were just gonna practice Winter Days.

Again time skip

We have a break finally, I was so exhausted, I grab the water bottle that was on the table, I drank it. I heard the door open and our manager went in

"Hi Manager-nim" We all said and bow to him as a respect

"Hello girls" He said.

"Why are you here, Manager-nim?" I asked curiously. He won't be here if he is gonna announced something.

"Just here to remember you guys that you have a comeback in 2 weeks" Manager-nim said, oh I forgot about that

"Okay, we will do our best!" Our cheery MinJi said.

"I will go now" He said and smiled, we bowed to him as he get out of the room, he was kind to us like he is our Second father.

We started practicing again and again

Another time skip

After we finish practicing we went out of the building and we were planning to go to Hongdae for a good reason. We went back to our dorm first and went to shower.

After a shower, I just wear a white tee and some jeans and also get a padded jacket because it's started to get cold outside. I went downstairs and put on my timberland

I was playing with my phone and waiting for the girls

I heard footsteps, that means they are finish their routine. I smiled and put my phone inside my bag, we got out of the house of course our Unnie is going to lock the doors.

We're here at Hongdae, I hope no one recognise us, but I was wrong some fans recognise us, we heard someone playing our song, I went to the sound of the song, saw 4 girls dancing

I smile, we also told the fans to let us finish watching this performance, then we are going to have some selcas/selfies, the music stop and the 4 girls bowed as a sign of being thankful. All of us clap

"Can we have a selfie" A boy asked. Of course I will take a selfie with you since we promised that we are going to take pictures when the performance finished

"Sure.." I smiled that made him blush, I just chuckle and took his phone and took some selfies.

I think this is just going to be a fansign!

I got my phone out and took a couple of selfies with them so I could post is on Instagram or Twitter.

After we finish taking pics with the fans, we all went back to the dorm. And of course MinJi with cook for us because we are really hungry! And a hungry ladies are dangerous.

"That was hectic" YooNa said chuckling

"Yup, many of them took some selfies with me though" I sigh...i didn't even get to enjoy our little wondering off

"Because you are cute and beautiful" MinJi complimented me. I just smiled

"I'm going to sleep, because we need to practice for our comeback" I said and head upstairs to my room

Don't worry we already finished dinner!

I grab some comfy clothes and went to the bathroom and take a long bath!

After finished taking the long night bath, I put the comfy clothes on! I won't be sleeping naked nu-uh!

2 weeks later

Its our comeback and I'm really nervous, their is a lot of groups that are performing. And the one performing is the great EXO! They are so cool. We are next to perform. So I'm praying

Time skip

We were getting ready because in 20 minutes were getting on stage. And performing a new song.

"Unnie, I'm quite nervous" I told them

"Don't be nervous SoHye, we will do fine" MinJi reassured me. I just nod before sighing

"I'm just going to walk around. Call me when we're about to go at the stage" I told them

"Sure, but be on time!" I nod and left the room

I was walking around! Saw other groups getting ready and now I'm really nervous. I was out of the world thinking and being nervous. That I didn't know I bump into someone that made me go back to reality.

I look up to see who it is and it's Jeongguk. My eyes widen in shock! I bow to him and saying sorry!

"I'm very sorry!" I said like nth time!

"It's okay, wait are you a stalker?" He asked. What the fork?! Me? Stalker. Should I poke his eyeballs?!

Author's note: Huehue! Hope you enjoy sorry for the gramatical error!

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