Chapter 17

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~2 weeks later~

~Sohye's POV~
Its Aquars and BTS concert the my two cousins are getting ready and i just got up so i went to the bathroom
To wash myself after washing myself i wear a dress i went out of the bathroom and went downstairs and the two are already dress

"You guys all set?"My uncle ask

"Yep and we have VIP so we can meet them you know"I said

"I'll let our body guard go with you guys"Uncle said i just nod

"Lets gooo"The two whine me and uncle just chuckle i nod

We bid goodbye to uncle we went to the car i seated them to the children's seat the driver and our body guard went in the driver drove us to where the concert will be held

~Time Skip~
Its the half of the concert and im planning to show myself icommand my bodyguard to look at my two cousins i went to a staff they were shock about me

"Dont be scared its me Sohye, Park Sohye"I said

"But Sohye died"One of the staff said

"I'll explain myself later but can i perform too?"I ask

"When they are thanking the fans of course"I said they just nod

I went back to my spot and i saw my two cousins fascinated and enjoying the concert i smile

~Time Skip~
They are now thanking the fans i went to the staff and put an earpiece and grab a microphone the lights turned off i went to the stage and
Started to sing the lights turned on again and they saw me Singing they were shock and the fans are scared i finish the song

"Hello"I said and smile

"Ahh yes your waiting for my explanation"I said they nod i face the fans

"I fake my death"I said they were shock

"The body you saw wasn't me that was someone else that look like me"I said Taeyeon went to me running and hug me she cry on my shoulder i heard someone screaming i broke
The hug and saw my two cousins running towards us

I spread my arms and hug them both the fans say 'Aww how cute' Aquars
And BTS was shock and waiting for my explanation again

"Luna and Diamond introduce yourself"I said they nod and got out
Of my embrace

"Hello we are Luna and Diamond Aunty sohye's nieces"They said
The girls understand but the guys dont understand so NamJoon Oppa
Tell them in korea they nod BTS face the fans

"Now Sohye is back Aquars is fixed"NamJoon Oppa said

"I have a great news"I said

"I am the CEO of the Park Corporation but i have to pass me being CEO to my other cousin"I said

"Me and This two kids are going backstage"I said

We went backstage the two collapse on the couch i chuckle i kiss their foreheads i know they are sleepy i let them sleep i grab a random jacket and place it on them BTS and Aquars are finally done they went in the backstage i smile at them

"That two is knocked out"Jin Oppa said

"I know"I said and chuckle

"Unnieee now your back come with us at Korea"Taeyeon said

"Im actually planning to go back i have to visit Doctor Choi"I said

"But this two will be sad"I said and caress Luna and Diamond's forehead

"Yep they will be sad"Yoongi Oppa said

"How are you guys?"I ask them

"We are fine"They all said i nod

I excuse myself because im going to call our bodygurad after a couple of minutes he is here he pick Luna up and i pick diamond we excuse ourself we got out and we went to the
Car i open the car door and i sat Diamond down i fix her seat belt
And my body guard sat Luna down and fix her seat belt

"Go home this two is tired tell uncle im with my friends"I said

"As you wish maam"My bodyguard said i bid goodbye to them and went to Aquars and BTS

I went in and saw them already dress i smile at them i open my arms
To let them hug me Taeyeon went running at me and then the unnies hug me how i miss them i broke the hug

"Which hotel are you staying at?"I ask

"The Emerald Hotel"NamJoon Oppa said

"Oh your staying at our Hotel"I said

"You own that place?"Taehyung Oppa ask

"Yes the park company is the biggest company in America"I said

"Wow you are rich"Taehyung Oppa said i chuckle

"Lets go to the Hotel"I said

They all nod we went out of the building my driver is here what the..i went to him

"Why are you still here?"I ask him

"Your uncle said to pick you up"He said

"Hmm drop me off to the Emerald Hotel i need to visit that hotel"I said the Driver nod i turn to BTS and Aquars i gave them a last smile

"Lets go?"I ask they nod

They went to their van/car i went in my car and my driver drove us to Emerald Hotel we are followed by BTS
And Aquars car/van

After a couple of hours we are here at the Emerald Hotel i got out of the car i motioned my driver to wait me and BTS amd Aquars went in we are greeted by the staffs the manager of the Hotel went to us

"Miss Park nice to see you again"Mr Samson said i smile to him

"Its nice to see you again too Mr Samson"I said

"What brings you here Miss Park?"He ask

"This Ladies and Guys are staying at this hotel right?"I ask him he nod

"Take good care of them they are my friends from Korea"I said

"But Miss Park they are a famous group in Korea"Mr Samson said

"I know that Mr Samson"I said i turn around at BTS and Aquars

"Go get rest tomorrow i think its the second of your guys concert"I said they nod the girls hug me one last time

"Im going to let my PA to be here to pay their bills"I said to Mr Samson he just nod

I bid goodbye to them and exited the building i went to my car and got in my driver drove us back to my Uncle's

After we are here i bid goodbye to the driver and went in the house i carefully open the front door
I wen in and close the door i went upstairs and head to the bathroom i wash myself after washing i put on

A comfortable clothes i went back to my room and i sat down on the chair my hair is still wet so i decided to do my work

My hair is not wet anymore i close my laptop and went to my bed and snuggle at my blanket tomorrow will be a hectic im going to work just work im gonna let my body guard to go with the two kids i felt my eyes getting heavy as i fall asleep

Author's Note:
Im sorry i dont put Tzuyu and Jungkook moment but
Im going to do it once they are in korea again im sorry for grammatical error and im sorry for
My grammar and im sorry for my Crappy book

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