Chapter 45

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-Still HoSeok's POV-
"You can do it once we land at Korea. Sleep for now SoHye" I tap her shoulder.

"But I cant. This work needs to be focus on. This work rely on our hotel at America." She said.

"But, what's more important is sleep. Don't overdo yourself, it's not good, so sleep now" I smile at her and close her laptop.

I went back to my seat and try to get some sleep. I remember when SoJung said her mom has a bruise on her neck

-F L A S H B A C K-
We are here at SeokJin's room. Me and Jimin were talking to Jungkook. Im leaning on the door frame

"You gave her a hickey?" Jimin asked and chuckle

"Yeah, I was so jealous about that guy Alex." Jungkook said and his face darkened

"Why are you jealous. She ain't yours anymore" I said

"I love her so much Hyung, you know that. And if a guy approach her. I might go nuts. She's back. And I can't let guys be over her, she's mine only mine" He is being possesive.

"Get her back then, win her back, you got a kid Jungkook, and it's by accident you need to protect them. Even if SoHye isn't the same you have to do it the hard way" Jimin said. He got a point. Jungkook need to get her back

"I am trying, Im trying to win her back. That's what I'm doing. It's so hard when I do it alone" And now he was frustrated.

"You are not alone Jungkook. We are here" I smile to him.

"Thank you." He thanked me and Jimin.

After that talk we just play with SoJung. Can't believe SoHye raise her son on her own. It's the power of woman.

-E N D O F F L A S H B A C K-

-SoHye's POV-
All of them are now sleeping. I just keep working this is really important, I just need to finish it or our hotel will be at lost.

I was working when I felt movement on my side, I look at Jungkook. He is still the same.

"Stop staring" He whisper. Which made me shock

"You are awake?" He open his eyes. And smile. That bunny smile, I miss that

"Why aren't you going to sleep? " He ask

"Work" I casually said

"Go to sleep, finish it once we go back" He hold my cheek.. The feeling is coming back.. Jungkook.

"I have to do this" I said and take his hand off my cheek

"SoHye, don't be stubborn lil nugget and go to sleep" He was still sleepy I can tell

"Just go back to sleep you baby bunny" I chuckle. He started to lean in which made me back up a little. Nope im not gonna let him kiss me

He hold my cheek again and that stop me from backing away. He was strong. He kept leaning in and once our lips are inch away from colliding

"Let me kiss you. I want to taste this lips again" He kissed me. A passionate one..

"This.... Is.... Mine.." He said in between the kiss

He stop kissing me. My eyes was close i can tell he is staring at me. Please don't do this Jungkook.

"Open your eyes for me babygirl" He said.. 'Babygirl' I miss him calling me that.. I slowly open my eyes, our eyes met

"Go to sleep, you need sleep, please don't overdo yourself. Like you said to me. You don't want me to overdo myself so I'm begging you don't try to overdo yourself" He smash his lips on mine before I can  speak

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