Chapter 56

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-Jungkook's POV-
We are here at the airport!  The world tour already finished. I miss my two precious gems! SoJung is already at pre-school while my girlfriend is an idol again!

I'm thinking of surprising her. I want us to go to the house I bought. I really want to show her the house

I'm also thinking when to propose. Even though we are just like 3 weeks in our relationship! I know already what her answer to that question!  Of course she say yes, If she say no, I don't know what to do if she say no

"Are you excited to go back?" SeokJin asked me

"Can't wait to see them again"I excitedly said.

"SoHye, send us the picture of SoJung on his first day." HoSeok said and show the picture of my son.

It's my lock screen and my potchi is my home screen

We are here at the airplane. I'm trying to contact my girlfriend but her phone is off. She might be busy

I just sleep all flight.

I was woken up by HoSeok's loudness. Guessing we are here! Because after the tour we can go to our relatives. And I'm planning to go to my parents with my two gems

After long drive to our dorm. We headed out.  We are just going to stay here for 1 day then go to our relatives

"The press conference is today." NamJoon said in a serious voice

"Are you ready Jungkook?" YoonGi asked me

"He's ready, he ain't the golden maknae if he isn't ready" Jimin said

"It's now or never" I shrugged

"Is our maknae being nervous?" TaeHyung teased me

"Who isn't nervous about this?" SeokJin laugh, his famous windshield laugh

"I'm going to go to SoHye"I smiled

"Not even going to rest for awhile?" HoSeok asked while his brow is up

"I can get energy from her"

"Cheesy, go now" NamJoon laughed

I smiled, I headed to my room to shower

After showering, I put on a black jeans, black T-shirt and a black leather jacket

Paired with that is my timberland.

I headed out of the dorm and went to SoHye. Hopefully her phone is now turn on so I can locate her easily.

And I'm lucky!  Her phone is now turn on! She's at the pre-school SoJung is going

I went there

I saw SoHye holding SoJung's hand, I ran behind SoHye and backed hugged her, I smell the strawberry scent

"Daddy!" SoJung exclaimed when he saw me

I remove myself from backed hugging SoHye and pick SoJung up

"Isn't my little prince so cute at his uniform"I bopped his nose

"It's nice to see you again" SoHye pecked my cheek

"It's great to be back again." I smiled to her "Let's go to busan"

She was shocked but recover fast. "Busan?" My son asked

"It's my hometown" I said to him

"Does Grandaddy and Grandmommy there?" He asked innocently

I slowly nod..

"Let's go home first" She said and grabbed SoJung out of my warmth

She went to her car with SoJung, same goes for me I went to my car and just follow them home

Once we are here. I parked my car and dashed out of it.

I went to the two. We went in,

"The press conference is today" I said which made SoHye stopped

"SoHy-" I saw that ALEX guy, he stopped his track

"Here you guys are" TaeYeon spoked

"Why is he here?" I asked, scanning the guy

"He was the one who've been taking care of SoJung" MinJi said who came from the kitchen

"Oh come on don't be jealous." SoHye said

"I don't want him here" I pout and mumbled

"Dont worry, I will go. I just came to say hi" The alex guy who fluently said in Korean made me shock

"I need to change, the three of us will go somewhere" SoHye said and head upstairs with SoJung

"I'm guessing you will be going to the press conference" YooNa said who were laying on the couch

"Our support is with you guys"YeRin said and pat my back. I'm guessing she just woke up since her hair is messed up

I waited for my two gems. SoJung was on a cute onesie and SoHye is wearing Rip jeans and crop top, the cardigan was tied on her waist

We bid goodbye to the girls and Alex. We headed to the venue of the press conference.

It was packed with Reporters! What the heck. They waited for us?

"SoHye and Jungkook arrived" Said the MC

We went to the stage that have two seats. SoJung is in my arm. Feeling afraid..

"Hello, I'm the Maknae of BTS, Jeon Jungkook" I lightly bowed

"Hello, I'm Park SoHye of Aquars" She lightly bowed

We sat down, SoJung is on my lap

"So.. You guys are dating?" One of the reporter asked

"Hmm, yes we are dating. It's been like 3 weeks since we started our relationship." SoHye answered the question

"Did you guys have a real relationship back then?" The other reporter asked

"Back then was a contract. But days past we developed feelings for each other and we made it real. We didn't have time to tell you guys about the relationship, because the past months was hectic for us which led for us to break. Thats three months later when SoHye left? " I was not sure when SoHye left but oh well

"What's the real reason for you to leave SoHye?" A reporter asked SoHye

"Im pregnant that day when I leave the group. I lied for having a family problem because I don't want to ruin the reputation of my group. After I gave birth to our only child who is sitting on Jungkook's lap. It take me years to came back and fully recover of my mistake" She lightly smile and played with SoJung's tiny hand

"So that kid is your guys son?"

"Yes" I simply said

"How did you make it?" Well we made love then boom my girlfriend is pregnant

"Well it was a mistake. We were both drunk on my birthday. We were super drunk that we couldn't control ourself that we made this little cute guy, but I don't regret it because I wanted to have family with her" I smiled to them and to my girlfriend

"What's the name of the kid?"

"Tell your name little guy" His mom whisper to him which only I can hear

"I'm Jeon SoJung.. Hehe first born of the famous Park SoHye and Jeon Jungkook" My son innocently

"You might think that it's weird. We are both an idol with a son"

And that's how our story end.. Of me and her tell the world the truth about us. It's not a one sided love anymore. A real love develops over time. You just have to wait for the time. You will meet the one who will love you forever like SoHye did to me. From a contract to a real love


We are both an idol | [J.J.K] ✔Where stories live. Discover now