Chapter 55

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He wince in pain. Which made me chuckle and peck his forehead.

"Get up and you guys are leaving" I said and point at the door.

"Potchi, go with me" I shook my head

"Bunny go now. " I said making him stood up.

"We will go home now" Said my members

"Go with me at the airport. Please Potchi?" He begged, I just sigh and nod

Is Potchi and Bunny our endearment for each other now?

The girls already went home with my son who were still a sleep and now I'm with BTS going to the airport.

Of course alot of fans are here. When they open the door the fans went crazy hoped they didn't see me..

I'm beside Jungkook on the widow seat. He was the one who open the door. He quickly pecked my cheeks and when he almost close the door I stop it.. I lean forward and peck his lips

"Goodbye, see you when the tour is over"

"Goodbye potchi, I'll call you!" I nod. He close the door completely

"Let's get to my dorm." I said to BTS driver.

After a long minute drive we are here. I thank him and went in the house.

SoJung's pre-school will start in about one week.. I'm already so much excited for my son.

Im going to be an idol once my son is already in pre-school. Alex is already okay with him that he will be taking care of my son while I'm away

I went to my room. Saw SoJung sleeping loudly. I put my phone down, I was startled by the sudden ringing. It's the muscle bunny he already missed me.

I made it silent and went to the bathroom to take a shower

After a looooongggg bath, I grab a comfy outfit and put it on.

I looked at my phone my mouth hang low. Oh Jesus!

There's already 50 Messages and 20 Missed calls.. Wth

I called him right away and went to the terrace of my room

He answered in just one ring

"Potchi! After a 20 missed calls you finally called!" He exclaimed I laugh

"I'm sorry bunny! I went to get a long bath" I explained to the bunny who is going to loose it

"I almost jumped out of the plane to get you" I laugh and leaned on the door frame

"Then jump off" I sarcastically said

"Should i?" He asked laughing

"Nah, you have to attend the world tour" I laugh

"Looked at Twitter, Potchi" He ended the call

I did what he said. I looked at Twitter

@BTS_twt:Tagged you:

[Picture: You and Him]

Potchi of my life! ARMYS and Aquas sorry for not telling you me and Potchi are dating! Sorry that we didn't reveal it and someone reveal it, but hope you understand! Me and My Potchi are Dating. #JK

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It's okay Kook! We are both happy for you guys dating!

But wait, who is the kid? I really want to know

Potchi and Bunny is their endearment for each other! Awww so cute!

We are both an idol | [J.J.K] ✔Where stories live. Discover now