Chapter 15

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We are back at Seoul but im here at the hospital i dont know why but im going to do my plan that im going to
Fake my death but first i need to end my contract being Jungkook's
Fake Girlfriend the doctor came in to see what im doing

"Doctor Choi"I said

"What is it Sohye-sshi?"He ask

"You need to do me a favor"I said

"What is the favor?"He ask

"I need to fake my death"I said He widen his eyes at what i said

"Your not joking?"He ask i shake my head responding a no

"Arasso its gonna be hard"He said and sigh

"Im going to America im going to live with my uncle im going back once the group is ok"I said he just nod his head

I ask him to give me a piece of paper i want to him to give this letter
To Aquars and BTS my last goodbye to them this is the idea will work without me they will be happy plus my Uncle said im going to be the Next CEO of Park Corporation

I forgot Doctor Choi is here i tell him to get out he obey i started to write on the piece of paper im sorry for doing
This and Chanyeol Oppa im sorry i know we just get to see Each other
For 6 years? I think

~Time Skip~
Aquars and BTS are here to visit me i feel guilty for what im doing i know this willl hurt them but i have
To i just fake smile to them im sorry everyone im really sorry

"Im going to discharge in 1 week"I said

"That's good"Yoongi Oppa said

We just chat around im going to miss this once i leave i dont want to be hard for you guys

~Next Day~
Its the day im going to fake my death their is someone who looks like me but she died yesterday..she died because of cancer i felt bad to her she's to young doctor Choi went in my room

"Are you ready for your fake death Sohye?"He ask i just nod

"Yes.."I said

They lay the dead body on my bed i sat down on the couch u sigh i stood up they put a thing that you can see the heart beat but the heart beat is straight line that means dead i pack my things..i've book a flight and Doctor Choi was kind enough to let me stay at his house..

"Go to my house Sohye i know you are not that weak anymore"He said i just nod i was about to leave but he call me

"Wait here i'll let you drive my car im going to take a cab"He said and give me his keys i kindly refuse it

"You did enough for me Doctor Choi im going to take a cab"I said and bow to him i bid goodbye to him i know his house because he is one of my Mom and Dad's friend

We sometimes go there to visit him and he is kinda a father for me
I went out of the building and i take a cab luckily i have money on me
I tell the driver the location of Doctor Choi's house

We are here i pay the driver and i got out of the cab i saw his house its still the same luckily Doctor Choi gave me his keys i unlock the door Doctor Choi's real name is Choi Taemin

I went in i saw the whole house a mess i drop my bag and i started to pick his clothes and put it in a laundry box

~Jungkook's POV~
We are now going to the hospital to visit Sohye we all went out and went in the hospital Doctor Choi block

"Umm we are here to visit Sohye"I said

"Sohye..."He stutter his words

"What happend to her"MinJi ask

"She died.."He said Taeyeon fell on her knees and started crying

~End of Jungkook's POV~

~Taeyeon's POV~
When i heard she is dead i fell on my knees i started crying i cant loose her she is the best Unnie i can lean in when im going through rough time MinJi pat my back the girls are crying without Sohye its not fun anymore

"You must be kidding!!"I shout

"Im not"He said u went in to her room and saw a dead body i shake the body

"Unnie why you said you wont leave us but what happend you broke your promise Unnie wake up pls wake up i cant loose you pls Unnie pls Wake up"I said and shake her body

"She want me to give you this"Doctor Choi said and give us a letter and
Give Jungkook a letter too i open the letter and it say

'Dear Aquars,
Im sorry if i broke our promise that we wont leave each other but i didnt know that i was going to die i want to wrote you guys this to remind you guys i love you and i will be always above to watch over you guys i love you guys and never forget me

Park Sohye'

Author's Note:
Sorry for the grammatical error and for the grammar i hope this chapter is not boring

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