Chapter 39

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-1 Y E A R L A T E R-
I'm already 23..and on June 1st is my baby's 1st birthday.. And like I said I always face time the girls.. I have to go back to Korea.. To celebrate SoJung's birthday.. My baby is a boy.. And I decided to name him SoJung i combine my name and Jungkook's name..

"Baby, are you ready to go back to Korea" He smiled at me.. He hold my finger with his small hand

I hold him up.. Because he was currently on the bed.. Because i just change his nappy

I called Aquars.. They answered it.. It's face time

"Hello" I wave the baby's hand

"SoJung is so cute" The maknae(YeRin) said

"We will go back there.. For this little guy's birthday" I smile

"Oh yea.. It's like 2 days away.." I saw an excitement on our Oldest

"But later today we are going to be there" I can take the private jet rather than the airplane..

"Be careful you too, we will wait for you at the airport" The second oldest said, I nod

"Make sure no one, knows about me going back there." I really hate it when someone knows I'm going back

"What about EXO?" I didn't think about that

"Call them.. Only them.. I'm going SoJung need rest.." I said and wave to them goodbye and end the call..

I put SoJung on his crib, I kiss his cheeks.. And slowly rock the crib.. It helps him to sleep.. I'm scared of going back to Korea.. Because of Jungkook.. He doesn't really know about this..

Jeon SoJung.. A son of Park SoHye and Jeon Jeong-Guk.. I put his last name as Jeon.. But he will be registered as Park for now.. So it's Park SoJung..

I miss Jungkook.. I still love him no matter what.. He always come to my mind.. I lost connection with BTS.. I didn't bother talking to them on the past 1 year..

I'm focus on my son.. My twin nephew always plays with SoJung.. They always entertain the baby.. And I'm entertaining myself with Thalia.. The dog Jungkook gave me..

I shrugged and packed my stuff.. We are only be there for 4 days.. After the birthday party.. We will.. Stay for 1 day and go back here at America

"I hope I won't see you Jungkook.. Or it will be so hard for me to leave" I mumble..

I saw my son sleeping peacefully.. Making me calm.. How will Jungkook react to you.. I look at my phone.. So many message from.. My brother

I chuckle..

From ChanYeol:
Ey, sis when are you coming back here. I miss you, take care of yourself and the baby, I love you sis

To ChanYeol:
Hey brother, I'm coming back there later.. Hehe pick me up okay.. Go with the Girls.. I miss you too.. Love you

And my eyes landed on Jin's message..

From SeokJin:
Hey, How are you?.. We miss you.. A lot.. Where are you? You've been avoiding me and lost connection with each other.. What happened..text me back.. If you are not busy of course..

I didn't text back.. Because if I do.. I might told him I'm going back to Korea.. I just sigh.. I won't lie I miss Bangtan..

-Back to Korea-
I'm here at the airport holding my son.. He's head was on my shoulder.. I have body guards.. But the fans don't recognize me.. Thank god.. And I keep hearing shouting girls.. Looks like some celebrity is here..

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