Chapter 40

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We are here at the mall. ChanYeol get his hat and mask and put it on. But I'm just wearing a Crop top and over top of the crop top is a cardigan and im wearing jeans. And converse. And a mask, I just let my silver hair   flow down

"Where do we go?" He ask

"Eat first" I forgot to eat..

We went to a restaurant and ordered food. ChanYeol was taking a picture of me.. So I head to smile, and sometimes cover the camera

-Hoseok's POV-
I was browsing on my social media and I saw ChanYeol's post saying 'Lil Sis💖'

"Guys look at ChanYeol's post on Instagram" I said

"SoHye" Jungkook muttered

"She's with Chan" Jimin said in shock..

"But she's not here, maybe it's an old picture." The leader said

He posted another. It's SoHye looking for clothes. Maybe it is an old picture. But it looks like a newer.

He posted a video

"Ah oppa, stop it. Stop filming me. Put your phone down you idiot. Stoooooopppp. You are not helping" She was covering the phone camera.

"Maybe an old video" YoonGi said

"It's not" Jungkook growled

"Jungkook, respect" SeokJin said

"Let's just practice. Later we are going somewhere" The leader said.

Jungkook pout, when we got the news that SoHye left Aquars, the maknae started to go crazy. It's goddamn 1 year and he isn't over her. And ChanYeol posting this pics and vid about her, he is making our maknae go crazy

Jungkook was mumbling something which cannot understand, I don't know if he is cussing or what

-SoHye's POV-
My brother keeps taking pictures and videos of me. And it's getting me irritated and I hate that.

I went to the baby aisle. And look for baby clothes for SoJung and toys. I didn't get SoJung a toy in America because my Aunty don't want me to spend money

"How about this? " ChanYeol asked

"It's to tiny for him, Oppa" I chuckled, it really is tiny.

"But this is so cute" He pout looking at the baby clothes

"Will get this" I said and looking at a baby onesie that is a dog

"And that" Pointing at the sailor outfit.

We purchase the outfit. Now for me to look for mine. I need a floral dress and a new bag.  And grocery for the girls.

We headed to the gucci store to buy my bag. I saw this cute bag

"You want that?" I nod "Grab that and i'll pay"

"Really? Thank you" I kiss his cheeks

I went to the cashier and ChanYeol gave her his card and the Cashier girl swipe it

"I'm your fan, can you sign my Album" The cashier girl shyly said

"Sign it, haha I'm just gonna wait for you outside" I said getting the bag and get outside.

Owh shrimps. I think someone already saw me. God. A girl went to me

"Are you Park SoHye?" She gasp, I just nod

"I'm your fan"

"Ah hehe, that's great to know that someone still remember an ex member of Aquars" I laugh akwardly

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