Chapter 53

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SoHye laughed at me

"He's possessive when it's about me. He don't want someone touch what's his" She said in English which I don't understand

Alex laugh too

"I'm Alex"

"Jungkook" We shaked hands.. SoHye grabbed my arm and hugged it..

I literally blush by that.. Oh crap. It feels like we are new couple

"Let's go home, we didn't finish our breakfast" She said to me

"You should booked a hotel here." She said to Alex

"I did booked a hotel" He smiled to my GIRLFRIEND. Let's emphasize the Girlfriend part

"Let's drop him off there. " She gave me the puppy eyes which is so adorable.. I just nod

She detach herself from hugging me and start walking to my car.. I jog to her and put my arm around her shoulder. Don't care about someone picturing this

I love her and only her. I ain't leaving her just for some picture, Alex caught up with us

SoHye went in the passenger seat while Alex is at the back..

I drove us to where Alex is going to stay

"Alex, SoJung is going to pre-school here.. So I want you to take care of him while the two of us is away" I heard SoHye say to Alex

"So you're going to be an idol again. That's great babe" The bastard told my Girlfriend. Babe my ass

"Stop calling me babe when he's here" My girlfriend pointed at me and laugh

"We are here" I told them irritatedly, luckily this guy is leaving

"I'll see you tomorrow babe" He pecked my girlfriend's cheek. This bastard!

I throw SoHye a face towel. She laugh and wipe her cheek with it.

"I'll be only the one who will kiss that" I said and pointed at her cheek

"Yes boss" She laugh, I smiled like an idiot

I quickly pecked her lips making her shock.. I laugh at her reaction and drove us back to our dorm.

After an hour ride. We are here. She flop down on the couch same goes for me.. SoJung came running in and jump on me. Crushing my part that hurts.. All of them laugh

"I will miss you daddy" The little boy pout

"I will miss you too." I peck his cheeks

"Mommy, aren't you gonna miss daddy?" He asked his mom. We looked at her waiting for her response

"I'm not going to miss him hehe" My mouth hang low at the response

The girls laugh.. Same goes for her.

"I'm going" She stood up laughing. I put SoJung on my left leg and grab my girlfriend's hand

Everyone who is inside this room left us. She looked at me still grinning

"What? It's true I won't miss you" She grinned. I know she was teasing me

"Mommy, bad" Our son said to her.. Which made us both laugh

"I'm just teasing your dad. I will miss him of course" She ruffle our son's hair

--SoHye's POV--
I went near at SoJung's ear and whisper something

"Daddy, don't get me a new mommy okay! I will sue you if you did" My son said, I laugh

I whisper to him that his dad will get a new mommy for him when he's away. Jungkook's eyes are wide.. I silently laugh

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