Chapter 10

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~1 week later~
Its now our tour i mean BTS and Aquars tour our collaboration i twisted my angkle when we
Are practicing and i have a solo dance i sigh but i need to perform and where touring in Manila how i miss this place yes i've been here where here at the backstage

"I cant perform my solo dance"I said and pout MinJi Unnie pat my head

"Its ok"She said i just pout

"Unnie remember when were here?"I ask she nod

"You guys went here?"Yoongi ask

"Yes were a half filipino we study here like 2 years"I said they were shock except for Us we chuckle

"You guys didnt told us you guys are a half filipino"They said

"You didnt ask us"Taeyeon said

The staff told us to get ready because were getting on stage like
40 minutes we get ready i just have to sit there watching them dancing if i didnt twisted my angkle i would be able to dance

Its time we go to stage we put our earpiece(or earphones)we
Go to the stage i sat on the chair and MinJi Unnie started to sing Winter Days

~Time Skip~
We've been taking turns to perform and its now time to speak
To our fans we all got to the stage

"Hello Manila"I said in english

"Its great being here again"I said the girls nod

"What do you mean!!!!"The fans ask us

"I'll give you guys one fact about Aquars"I said

"The girls and I are a half filipino we study here like 2 years ago our name is in filipino"I said

"My name is Scarlet Salvador when were here"I said

"My name is Kate Anderson"MinJi Unnie said

"My name is Lia Santos"Yoona Unnie said

"And my name is Rica Gonzales"Taeyeon said

"You guys have pretty names when your here"Namjoon said we thank him

"Its time?"Jimin ask Me and Jungkook nod

"As you may guys know Me and Sohye hang out alot"Jungkook said as the fans yelled 'Yeah'

"Well Me and Jungkook are dating"I said

"I hope you guys are happy with our unexpected surprise"I said
They yelled 'You guys are goals' i fake smile if you guys know its just fake dating Jungkook is dating Tzuyu not me...

We thank the fans about supporting us until the end we all bow and went backstage again i sigh and went to the changing room to change my clothes after changing my

Clothes i went back to everyone i trip i close my eyes waiting for me to fall on the ground but i felt a muscular
Arm got me i open my eyes to se Jungkook..

"Next time be careful you twisted your angkle and do you want to get worst?"He ask i shake my head

"Tsk your being caring 'Boyfriend' because of what we said to our fans"I said and i got out of his grip

"Hoseok Oppa"I said Hoseok look at me

"What is it Dongsaeng?"He ask

"Lets go to the Mall"I said he shake his head i pout

"Why not?"I ask

"Let Jungkook go with you"Hoseok Oppa said i whine and grab onto his arms Hoseok Oppa is like my 2nd Brother

"Let go of my arms Sohye"He said and chuckle i didnt let go of his arms

"Come with me to the Mall"I said trying to act cute he shake his head again i pout

"Lets go to the hotel and go to the mall so Sohye can shut up"Yoona Unnie said i pout at what she said

"Lets go now"Taeyeon and Jimin said we nod

We bid godbye to the staff we exited the building as we go to the car we are separate Aquars have one car and BTS have two cars

~Time Skip~
After a couple of minutes where here at the hotel we got out and went in the building i went to Me and Jungkook's room we share rooms i heard Jungkook's phone ding someone text him i look at it and it say 'Babe❤'

"Jungkook your girlfriend text you"I said and got my towel and clothes and went to the bathroom

After a refreshing shower i wear Dress because its Sunny here i went out of the bathroom and i saw Jungkook smiling over the phone..this hurts me when someone can make him happy i didnt notice that my tears are falling he look at me i quickly wipe my tears

"You can go shower now"I said and look at the ground he walk pass me

I sigh and went to the balcony of this hotel the wind blow on my hair i felt tears started to flow down why am i hurting..i fall inlove with someone that dont love me..i really need
To move on or its gonna hurt more

Author's Note:Sorry for not updating this story and Our Ultimate Powers im busy at school
At the moment but hope you guys like this chapter sorry for the mistakes

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