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So it's 2 months! After our wedding! And the fuck im getting sick! Think I'm pregnant! Since I have mood swings left and right! Craving for Jungkook! And craving for food!

"Jungkook! I WANT A FREAKING ICE CREAM!" I shout

"What the heck Potchi?!" He exclaimed!

"Your wife needs fucking ice cream you idiotic coconut!" Since Jungkook is in vacation, he is my slave!

"You just finish the ice cream I bought yesterday!" He hissed

"Oh fuck it! I don't want it anymore! Get out of the room you idiotic coconut!" I said, getting myself in the blanket and making myself like a burrito

-Jungkook's POV-
What the heck just happen?!! I left the room since i dont want my wife to go boom, it's still early and SoJung is in school, so I'm here with my cranky wife

I called MinJi!

"Noona, SoHye is being cranky again" I said and sigh

"Oh Jungkook, just buy what she needs and she'll stop" I heard her sigh


"Go now, or she will be a volcano that erupted" She laugh and ended the call

I lazily went back inside our room! I saw her laying on the bed spread wide.. Please god Jesus don't turn me on!

"What happend My Cranky Potchi?" I ask

"I'm craving something!" She exclaimed, making me startled she stood up and loose balanced. She luckily fell to the bed

"What are you craving now?" I asked sighing

"You.." She mumbled but I heard her clearly..

I was frozen in spot, for the love of God I'm freaking turned on.

"I changed my mind. I want that ice cream" SoHye you bad person T_T

"Anything else?"

"And a banana" You can have mine ( ͡^ ͜ʖ ͡^) hehe

I nod and left, I went to the market. I swear this cranky wife of mine will drive me nuts!

I bought so many Ice cream and some bananas! I think some fans noticed me because one of the girl is getting close..

"Hi Jungkook" The girl said

"Hmm hi" I smiled

"It's for SoHye?" I just nod

"My wife is cranky today so I need to pay and head out.." I smiled apologeticly

"Hmm alright! But please sign this" I just nod and sign her album don't know why she's carrying that around

I quickly payed and went home.. As I was going to the kitchen

"Why the fuck are you late?!! " She cussed

"For the love of Jesus, if you don't stop, you will be at our bed laying there naked!"I growled at her making her shock

"Give me that!" She grabbed the tub of ice cream and get herself a spoon!

"Don't come in the room! You will be staying here!" Oh I have enough

I take the tub of ice cream and the spoon and I placed it down on the kitchen counter. I picked her up, she was hitting my chest!

I went to our room and throw her at the bed!

And we did that!

She was laying on my arms sleeping.. I think I went to hard.. I kiss her on the cheeks and lay her head on the pillow..

I went downstairs.. God the ice cream! I went to look at it and it's already watery.. So put it on the freezer

I look at the time and i need to go and pick SoJung up.. I was roaming with just my boxer on

I went to our bathroom and showered. After that I wear sweat pants and T-shirt and wear just my timberland

I left SoHye there sleeping soundly on the bed still naked.. Hehe

I went to SoJung's school and saw him getting bullied, oh no they aren't bullying him!

I went to them

"Hey, you shouldn't bully someone" I said seriously to the kids

"You okay little guy?" I was worried yes, he nod, I ruffle his hair

"Bullying is bad.. It can lead to someone's death, so don't bully others" I said to the three kids who where pushing and saying mean things to my son

They felt scared and ran away.. I hold SoJung's hands and crouch down

"Don't let them bully you okay? You're tough guy like your dad." I said and smiled..

"Let's go back to the house"

We went back.. Saw SoHye on my oversize tee and under that is her shorts

She was eating the ice cream I bought "mommy" She looked at our direction and smiled to me..

"I have a good news for you boys" Her smile went up to her ear and eye

"What is it mommy?" Our son ask

"You will be having a sibling.. I'm pregnant" She smiled

I froze.. Is she serious? I'm gonna have a second child.. I run to her and hugged her..

"We did something right now?.. Does that mean it's going to be a twin?" I asked, she lightly chuckled

"Probably.. Probably not" She pecked my neck

Im so Happy! Freaking happy, I'm gonna have  a second child! I'm freaking happy that it's her and my child.. I kissed her lips and saying thank you for I don't know how many times.

We are happy with our family.. BTS and Aquars and of course my unborn child and my born child.. I love them so dearly and will forever will be

I'm Jeon Jungkook of BTS. Happy to say that our love story finished.

What ever it takes.. I will wait. Waiting is the key for the relationship like I did for SoHye.. I wait for her to comeback since I knew from the beginning that she will be mine..

Knowing we love each other.. Knowing we waited for each other to come back..

Being hurt is the part of a relationship you can't stop it from getting in. You just have to take it and wait for it to heal. Mine was healed by her.

My wife Jeon SoHye.

-That's how we love each other being both an idol, contract or not we will love each other no matter what! There's no barrier about it you just need respect and love!

We are both an idol, is now finish. The love story of Jeon Jungkook and Park SoHye are now finish


Author's note:
I'm sincerely being thankful to all of you guys who supported this story.. Even though some of the chapters have mistake! Don't worry I will take care of it someday. I will be major editing some chapters! There will be new books coming! A fan fiction about Our Jiminie Pabo!

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