Chapter 41

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It's SoJungie's birthday.. Can't believe that my son is already 1..EXO is here currently, they cleared their sched just for this and im so touch

I was holding SoJung in my arms, he was so into EXO haha

"SoJungiiieee, happy birthday lil guy" Kai said, SoJungie laugh and move excitedly in my arms

"Thank you guys for attending" I said

"When we heard the news, we cleared all of our schedule today just for this Lil guy" Suho said and touch SoJung's lil finger

"My brother really can't keep up secrets to you guys huh" I said passing SoJung to BaekHyun because he wanted to hold him

"Yeah, he can't really keep a secrets to us" Xiumin chuckled

"This is only a little party not a big one. I can't afford that." We laugh

"Play with him for awhile. I'm gonna help the girls" I said

I went to the kitchen and saw the girls baking, cooking some foods. I'm really blessed with these kinds of group. A really caring and helping group

"Thank you for always been on my side" I said

"You're welcome" MinJi smiled

I was really thankful.. "What can I help?"

"Just sit and play with SoJung" TaeYeon lead me to the living room..

"Keep her company" TaeYeon command the boys and went to the kitchen

The boys were playing with SoJung.. I laugh when the boys are being goofy around him, SoJung just look excited as ever.

They are so cute, SoJung started to cry. Which made the boys panick, I just laugh at them which made them look at me.

I laugh "SoJung is just hungry" I stand up and hold him in my arms

"I'll just feed him, we will be back" I went to my room,

I sat down on my bed and breastfeed SoJung..

-ChanYeol's POV-
We were here sitting on the couch some of them are on the floor, SoHye was feeding SoJung in her room

"SoJung is so cute" BaekHyun wasn't still over the baby's cuteness

"It's a mix of my sister and Jungkook, so the baby is cute" I chuckle

"Never really thought they would freaking make a baby" Chen said

"They made it by accident, they were drunk that time" I said

"You guys shouldn't talk about that here, when it's the baby's birthday" I was startled at the sudden voice from behind

I slowly turn around and saw YeRin and she is placing the food on the table. TaeYeon was placing plates,utensils and cups..

"Call SoHye down, knock first, she might be feeding her son" MinJi said and place down the cake

"Kai, go get her" Xiumin said

"Alright Hyung" He went to her room. I heard him knock

SoHye went out with SoJung in her arms, she must be finish feeding him.. She smiled to Kai.. That beautiful smile of my sister.

"Here comes the birthday boy with his mom" Chen clapped his hands and look at SoHye

I saw MinJi and YooNa lighting up the birthday candle that was held by YeRin

"Happy birthday to you" We sang..

"Happy birthday SoJungiiieee, Happy birthday to you" The boy looks so excited.. His mother blow it for him..

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