My Best Friend

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I wrote this story back in 2010. Since then it has been edited to be readable. I hope you enjoy it. Thanks for reading :)

Chapter 1: My Best Friend

I'm so excited to be spending some quality time with my best friend. He's been working really hard on his new album and hasn't had the time to come visit me. Oh yeah.. Did I forget to mention, my best friend is the one and only Justin Bieber?

He's coming to visit this weekend. I haven't seen this guy in forever... Okay it seriously hasn't been that long. Last time I saw him was in the summer. I became friends with a lot of his celebrity friends, but one in particular. Selena Gomez! She is really nice and I think Justin has a crush on her.

I was just chilling, on the couch in my living room... All by myself... Waiting... I got really tired and fell asleep.

*30 minutes later*

"Vic..." I felt hands shaking me... Oh my god, go away! I'm sleeping, I thought.

"Hmmm.. Go away." I moan.

"Fine! If you're not going to wake up, I'll leave." His voice sarcastic. He laughs... Way to familiar. Realization hits me, JUSTIN! My eyes snap open.

"WAIT! NO! Sorry, I'm awake now!"

I get up and hug him so tight. He wraps his arms around my waist, while still laughing.

"Hey, how have you been?" He lets me go, looking at me up and down.

"I'm fine.... Ish.... How about you?"

He lets go of me and sits down on the couch. I sit down next to him.

"I've been really good actually.... I think I might have found the perfect guy for you! And this time--" I cut him off.

"No, no. I don't wanna know." He always say's that. Last time he hooked me up with someone, that guy ended up cheating on me... Not fun.

His phone suddenly starts to ring. He frowns and takes out his phone.

"I gotta take this." He gets up and answers the phone. He starts pacing.

"Hello?..... Oh hey Niall!..... Oh my god I completely forgot!" My eye's widen. Niall? From One Direction!?... Wait, forgot what?

"Um.... yeah..... I'll see you guy's there.... Is it okay if I bring my best friend?..... Yeah..... Her name is Vic.... Yes she's a girl!.... Ha, ha! See you, bye." He puts his phone in his pocket. I give him a confused and serious look. He notices.


"Uh... What was that about?"

"Oh, I'm meeting up with Niall, Liam, Louis, Zayn and Harry at the restaurant... You're coming."

"What!? Why?... Wait, ain't that One Direction...? " He smirks.

"Yeah, that's One Direction.... Go pretty yourself up." I look down at my outfit.

"Oh so what? I'm not pretty?" I point out my outfit.

"No! You're very cute! I meant like a dress, since it's like kind of official... We're writing a song together."

"Oh that's so awesome!.... Fine, I'll go look for one." I get up from the couch, and walk pass the kitchen, into the hallway to my bedroom. I open my closet and look through it. I hear footsteps. I turn around and Justin walks in. He looks at my clothes and picks out a nice pink and black summer dress.

"That should do." He says while slowly walking towards the door.

"Oh, thanks." He turns and smiles. He walks out of the room and I close the door.

After I'm done getting dressed, I walk out of the room, to the living room. Justin looks up when I arrive.

"Wow, that dress looks very pretty on you." He grins.

"Thanks.... You bought this for me like last summer." He winks. I grabs my bag, filling it with my phone, and wallet. I put on my sunglasses.

"You ready?" I ask.

"Yes leggo!" He puts on his sunglasses. He opens the door and I walk out of the apartment building. We walk to his car. I sit next to him on the passenger seat. He turns on the radio and my favorite Bruno Mars song comes on. I start singing it and Justin joins in. He kept grinning the whole way through.

"Dude, stop it! You're creeping me out." I laugh at his facial expression.

"Sorry. I just love it when you sing." I blush.

"Oh... Shush you." I laugh.

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