Escape From Here

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Chapter 24: Escape From Here

"So, he's gone..." He looks at me with anger, then starts pacing at the side of the bed. I don't say a word and I still feel really weak.

"Where'd he go?" He stops pacing and grabs me by the neck. I'm shocked and I can't breathe. He tightens his grip.

"WHERE IS HE!?" He yells. I open my mouth, trying to talk, but nothing comes out. He's hurting me and I'm scared. He releases me and I start coughing. I feel dizzy again.

"We need to leave this hotel quickly!" He turns around and heads for the door. He stops in front of the door and turns around to look at me.

"You do know, he just left you... The women he supposedly loves...... You're pathetic, stupid and useless. Not even your own boyfriend loves you." He comes up to me and slaps me hard on the face. Then he holds my face in his hand.

"I'm going to kill you." He smiles an evil smile and lets go of my face. He slams the door, leaving me alone. I start to silently cry... I hope Louis is safe... My arm still hurts from the injection. I look at the cuffs and try to see if I can get free. My head is killing me. I need to get out of here.

I try to pull my hands out, but they're on really tight. I give up because I start to feel really weak and I'm sweating. I close my eyes. I'm a little hungry... I open my eyes and the room is spinning. I try to concentrate and look around the room for any food. I spot the food Jess left it for Louis, a few hours ago. I turn around, to be sitting on the bed and get my hands to move down the bed board. I get up to see how far I am from the food.

That's when I spot it. A key. It's laying on the floor, near the garbage can. My eyes widen and I try to reach it with my legs. I touch the tip of the key with my shoe. I smile and drag it on the floor. It's now near the bed. I try to lift the key with my feet. I got it! I drop it next to me on the bed. I bend down and take it with my teeth. I get on my knees and try to unlock the lock with the key in my mouth. One of my hands get free. I immedietly take the key from my mouth with my free hand and unlock my other hand. I put the key in my pocket and get off the bed.

I run to the door and look through the peephole. I see Jay and Chris talking. I watch and try to listen to what they're saying.

"So, what do we do now?"

"Well with that chemical in her system and we're not treating it.... She'll die." Chris states, without any feeling.


"In the next couple of days... Before that happens though, I want to do something to her, that I never got the chance too." He smirks at Jay.

"Will you be needing my help with that?" He grins.

"Yes... That's a good idea, I might need you..... Let's go get Jess and Selena, so we can leave. Before they come and find her." Jay nods and they walk off by the right.

I wait a minute, then I open the door quietly. I look on both sides. There's no one in sight, just a long hallway. I go to left, the opposite direction they went in. I start walking faster and I stop in front of an elevator. I press the down button. I look through my pockets and find my phone. The doors to the elevator open and I quickly get in. The doors close and I press the first floor. I open my phone and press the call button... I'm calling Justin. I take off my sweater and put my hair up in a pony tail, then Justin finally answers the phone.


"Justin!... Look I'm in an elevator-"

"You got out?"

"I broke free, they don't know I'm gone yet."

"We're just in front of a hotel. The one you're in I think."

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