On My Mind

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Chapter 21: On My Mind

"I can't do this!" Justin puts down the mic on the ground and runs out. I'm sitting in the empty audience with El and Cat. They both look at me, with sad expressions. Justin hasn't been taking the breakup very easily. It's been a couple of days...... I need to help him get through this.

"I should go talk to him." I get up. The girls nod. "I'll be right back." I run up the stage and go the way Justin went. I hear a door slam shut. I walk to his dressing room, thinking he went in there. I open the door.

"Justin?" He's laying on the couch crying. "Oh... Justin." I close the door behind me and I run to him. I start patting him on the back.

"I-I j-just don't g-get it." He whimpers.

"She just wasn't the right one... She's out there somewhere. I promise." He looks up at me.

"Do you know how hurt I am right now?" He wipes his eyes.

"Yes... I really do. I've been through this... And you were there for me, every step of the way... So I'll be here for you." He looks me in the eyes.

"I'm sorry that I ignored you... Or if I was rude with you, in the past weeks... I didn't mean it. It's just Sel told me what you did and I went nuts!" He exclaims.

"It's okay but..... What did she tell you I did?" I seriously want to find out what she told him because there has to be a reason, why he got really mad at me.

"She told me that... You.... Loved me and that... You were using Louis to make me jealous.... And that you threatened her to dump me." I stare at him wide eyed.

"WHAT!?" I yell out.

".... I'll take that as a 'she lied'." He asks hopeful.

"Oh my god! What the hell?" I'm furious.

Suddenly Justin's phone vibrates. He takes it out of his pocket and answers the call.

"Hello?.... Oh hey Chris... Yeah I'm in my dressing room... Okay bye." He hangs up and I stare at him. "Chris is coming."

"Ha.. uh... I'm gonna go now." I get up and he grabs my wrist.

"No, stay please!" He pleads.

"No... I don't want to see him." Justin sighs and letting me go. I walk to the door and start making my way back to El and Cat. There is no way, I'm going to see him! I turn a corner and run right smack into someone. That person grabs my arms and holds them with one of his hands and with the other, puts it over my mouth. I get pushed against the wall.

"Well hello there." I look up at the person. A smirking Chris stares down at me, as my eyes widen. "Alone at last." Chris comes closer to me. I scream in his hand, but no one hears me.

"Don't be scared sweetheart... I'm still not done with you... We're going to have so much fun.... " He gets way too close and licks my face slowly. I whimper and try to scream again. This time he slaps me and looks at me with anger in his eyes.

"Now listen closely... Tomorrow after the concert... You're going to come to my room... If you want to see your precious Tomlinson, live another day." He takes out his pocket knife. No.. Not the knife!

"Now, if you don't think I'm being serious... Here's a little reminder, of how much it hurts." He still covers my mouth and lets go of my arms. He quickly puts all of his weight on one of my arms and with his free hand he grabs my other arm. He starts cutting down the middle of my arm. I start screaming in pain and crying. He stops finally after a few seconds.

"Now, I was never here... And I didn't do that." He lets go of me, laughing evilly. He walks away to Justin's room. I start running the other way, getting as far away from him as possible. I turn the corner where El and Cat were, but I run into someone again. I scream at the top of my lungs, thinking it's Chris.

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