One Direction

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Chapter 2: One Direction

We talked about what's been going on lately... I was dumped and currently single. Justin on the other hand has a girlfriend, who happens to be my friend Selena Gomez. I'm so happy for him!

"You guy's are so adorable together!" I smile and poke him

"Thanks Vic.... I'm really sorry about what happened with Chris... I didn't know he'd cheat on you...."

"It's alright."

"So you like anyone?" He lifts one eyebrow.

"Um... No. Why?" I look towards the window. It's already the evening.

"Because it would be cool to go on a double date."

"Ah... I'll let you know, when I like someone then." I turn and smirk.

We pull up at this cute little deserted restaurant, in the middle of nowhere. I get out of the car and Justin quickly runs to the door. He opens it and waits for me to catch up. We go inside and there's absolutely no one here. Except for this table at the far corner of the restaurant, with five boys sitting and having a discussion. Justin grabs my wrist and we slowly make our way to the table.

"Hey guy's 'sup?" He lets go of my wrist and slides next to Harry. They starts talking to each other. I just stand there looking like an idiot. Zayn notices  and gets up. He holds out a hand, for me to shake.

"Hi, you must be Vic." He smiles.

"Uh, hey... You must be Zayn." We shake hands and he laughs a little. I sit next to Liam and Zayn and in front of me is Niall and Louis. They're both staring at me. They're also my favorite one's in the band and I'm literally freaking out in my head. But I just smile.... and blushing like crazy.

"Hi Vic." Niall smiles. I think I lost my breath, his Irish accent is the cutest thing ever. Before I can answer, someone speaks before me.

"Hello love! Nice to meet you, I'm Louis." Louis holds out his hand. I start to giggle.. Weird, I never do that.

"Uh...h-hi Niall... Louis." I smile and shake his hand. I feel a bolt of electricity when we touch... What the hell was that? I decide to ignore it and continue to smile.

"Okay, so are you guys done drooling over each other?.... Let's just get to the matter at hand." Justin says and I give him an evil look, and he returns it with sticking his tongue out at me.... So mature. Justin and I are the same age, but I'm way more mature than he is. Harry sits up and smiles at me. I'm blushing big time.

"Well, Liam and I wrote another song." He says very proudly. Well that's interesting.

"What are the song's about?" I ask out of curiosity. Liam answers right away.

"The one that Harry and I wrote, is about finding that one girl who will always be there for you... Basically the one you'll always love."

"And the other song, is a duet... Though I don't think we'll use that one." Justin adds.

"And why is that? The more the merrier." I say thinking about the fans, but mostly for me.

"Well because it's a duet with a girl and a guy."

"So....? Your point?"

"Well we need a girl?"

"Oh... So now I'm not a girl? First you say I'm not pretty and now you're saying I'm not a girl? What gives!?" What is wrong with this guy, I start mentally laughing, but giving him a straight face. I notice Niall and Louis' eye's turn into full of excitement.

"Wait....You sing?" Niall asks with a smile.

"Um... No."

"Uh, yeah Vic, you do." Justin gives me a look.

"Uh, no Justin, I don't."

"Oh really now I--" Zayn cut him off.

"Well there's just one way to find out."

"Yeah... Sing!" Louis says excitedly. I start laughing. And I don't know why.

"Yeah come on Vic, sing with Liam, he'd do it." Louis says with pleading eye's

"Sure, why not." I sarcastically say... But apparently no one notices my sarcasm.

"Alright, let's go." Everyone starts moving out of their chairs and they head for the door.

"Wait... Where are we going?" Zayn takes my hand.

"To the studio! We're going to sing!" He smiles and we start walking to a truck. Justin's getting into his car with Liam and Harry... Oh my god, Justin don't leave me with the crazy people of the band.

I get in the back with Niall. Louis sits in the driver's seat and Zayn on the passenger seat.

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